» Science » An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Henry P. Talbot [chrome ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Henry P. Talbot [chrome ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Henry P. Talbot

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gr. 1.20) (Note 2). Calculate the volume of silver nitrate solution required to effect complete precipitation in each case, and add slowly about 5 cc. in excess of that amount, with constant stirring. Heat the solutions cautiously to boiling, stirring occasionally, and continue the heating and stirring until the precipitates settle promptly, leaving a nearly clear supernatant liquid (Note 3). This heating should not take place in direct sunlight (Note 4). The beaker should be covered with a watch-glass, and both boiling and stirring so regulated as to preclude any possibility of loss of material. Add to the clear liquid one or two drops of silver nitrate solution, to make sure that an excess of the reagent is present. If a precipitate, or cloudiness, appears as the drops fall into the solution, heat again, and stir until the whole precipitate has coagulated. The solution is then ready for filtration.

Prepare a Gooch filter as follows: Fold over the top of a Gooch funnel (Fig. 2) a piece of rubber-band tubing, such as is known as "bill-tie" tubing, and fit into the mouth of the funnel a perforated porcelain crucible (Gooch crucible), making sure that when the crucible is gently forced into the mouth of the funnel an airtight joint results. (A small 1 or 1-1/4-inch glass funnel may be used, in which case the rubber tubing is stretched over the top of the funnel and then drawn up over the side of the crucible until an air-tight joint is secured.)


Fit the funnel into the stopper of a filter bottle, and connect the filter bottle with the suction pump. Suspend some finely divided asbestos, which has been washed with acid, in 20 to 30 cc. of water (Note 1); allow this to settle, pour off the very fine particles, and then pour some of the mixture cautiously into the crucible until an even felt of asbestos, not over 1/32 inch in thickness, is formed. A gentle suction must be applied while preparing this felt. Wash the felt thoroughly by passing through it distilled water until all fine or loose particles are removed, increasing the suction at the last until no more water can be drawn out of it; place on top of the felt the small, perforated porcelain disc and hold it in place by pouring a very thin layer of asbestos over it, washing the whole carefully; then place the crucible in a small beaker, and place both in a drying closet at 100-110°C. for thirty to forty minutes. Cool the crucible in a desiccator, and weigh. Heat again for twenty to thirty minutes, cool, and again weigh, repeating this until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram. The filter is then ready for use.

Place the crucible in the funnel, and apply a gentle suction, !after which! the solution to be filtered may be poured in without disturbing the asbestos felt. When pouring liquid onto a Gooch filter hold the stirring-rod at first well down in the crucible, so that the liquid does not fall with any force upon the asbestos, and afterward keep the crucible will filled with the solution.

Pour the liquid above the silver chloride slowly onto the filter, leaving the precipitate in the beaker as far as possible. Wash the precipitate twice by decantation with warm water; then transfer it to the filter with the aid of a stirring-rod with a rubber tip and a stream from the wash-bottle.

Examine the first portions of the filtrate which pass through the filter with great care for asbestos fibers, which are most likely to be lost at this point. Refilter the liquid if any fibers are visible. Finally, wash the precipitate thoroughly with warm water until free from soluble silver salts. To test the washings, disconnect the suction at the flask and remove the funnel or filter tube from the suction flask. Hold the end of the tube over the mouth of a small test tube and add from a wash-bottle 2-3 cc. of water. Allow the water to drip through into the test tube and add a drop of dilute hydrochloric acid. No precipitate or cloud should form in the wash-water (Note 16). Dry the filter and contents at 100-110°C. until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram, as described for the preparation of the filter. Deduct the weight of the dry crucible from the final weight, and from the weight of silver chloride thus obtained calculate the percentage of chlorine in the sample of sodium chloride.

[Note 1: The washed asbestos for this type of filter is prepared by digesting in concentrated hydrochloric acid, long-fibered asbestos which has been cut in pieces of about 0.5 cm. in length. After digestion, the asbestos is filtered off on a filter plate and washed with hot, distilled water until free from chlorides. A small portion of the asbestos is shaken with water, forming a thin suspension, which is bottled and kept for use.]

[Note 2: The nitric acid is added before precipitation to lessen the tendency of the silver chloride to carry down with it other substances which might be precipitated from a neutral solution. A large excess of the acid would exert a slight solvent action upon the chloride.]

[Note 3: The solution should not be boiled after the addition of the nitric acid before the presence of an excess of silver nitrate is assured, since a slight interaction between the nitric acid and the sodium chloride is possible, by which a loss of chlorine, either as such or as hydrochloric acid, might ensue. The presence of an excess of the precipitant can usually be recognized at the time of its addition, by the increased readiness with which the precipitate coagulates and settles.]

[Note 4: The precipitate should not be exposed to strong sunlight, since under those conditions a reduction of the silver chloride ensues which is accompanied by a loss of chlorine. The superficial alteration which the chloride undergoes in diffused daylight is not sufficient to materially affect the accuracy of the determination. It should be noted, however, that a slight error does result from the effect of light upon the silver chloride precipitate and in cases in which the greatest obtainable accuracy is required, the procedure described under "Method B" should be followed, in which this slight reduction of the silver chloride is corrected by subsequent treatment with nitric and hydrochloric acids.]

[Note 5: The asbestos used in the Gooch filter should be of the finest quality and capable of division into minute fibrous particles. A coarse felt is not satisfactory.]

[Note 6: The precipitate must be washed with warm water until it is absolutely free from silver and sodium nitrates. It may be assumed that the sodium salt is completely removed when the wash-water shows no evidence of silver. It must be borne in mind that silver chloride is somewhat soluble in hydrochloric acid, and only a single drop should be added. The washing should be continued until no cloudiness whatever can be detected in 3 cc. of the washings.

Silver chloride is but slightly soluble in water. The solubility varies with its physical condition within small limits, and is about 0.0018 gram per liter at 18°C. for the curdy variety usually precipitated. The chloride is also somewhat soluble in solutions of many chlorides, in solutions of silver nitrate, and in concentrated nitric acid.

As a matter of economy, the filtrate, which contains whatever silver nitrate was added in excess, may be set aside. The silver can be precipitated as chloride and later converted into silver nitrate.]

[Note 7: The use of the Gooch filter commends itself strongly when a considerable number of halogen determinations are to be made, since successive portions of the silver halides may be filtered on the same filter, without the removal of the preceding portions, until the crucible is about two thirds filled. If the felt is properly prepared, filtration and washing are rapidly accomplished on this filter, and this, combined with the possibility of collecting several precipitates on the same filter, is a strong argument in favor of its use with any but gelatinous precipitates.]

!Method B. With the Use of a Paper Filter!

PROCEDURE.—Weigh out two portions of sodium chloride of about 0.25-0.3 gram each and proceed with the precipitation of the silver chloride as described under Method A above. When the chloride is ready for filtration prepare two 9 cm. washed paper filters (see Appendix). Pour the liquid above the precipitates through the filters, wash twice by decantation and transfer the precipitates to the filters, finally washing them until free from silver solution as described. The funnel should then be covered with a moistened filter paper by stretching it over the top and edges, to which it will adhere on drying. It should be properly labeled with the student's name and desk number, and then placed in a drying closet, at a temperature of about 100-110°C., until completely dry.

The perfectly dry filter is then opened over a circular piece of clean, smooth, glazed paper about six inches in diameter, placed upon a larger piece about twelve inches in diameter. The precipitate is removed from the filter as completely as possible by rubbing the sides gently together, or by scraping them cautiously with a feather which has been cut close to the quill and is slightly stiff (Note 1). In either case, care must be taken not to rub off any considerable quantity of the paper, nor to lose silver chloride in the form of dust. Cover the precipitate on the glazed paper with a watch-glass to prevent loss of fine particles and to protect it from dust from the air. Fold the filter paper carefully, roll it into a small cone, and wind loosely around !the top! a piece of small platinum wire (Note 2). Hold the filter by the wire over a small porcelain crucible (which has been cleaned, ignited, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed), ignite it, and allow the ash to fall into the crucible. Place the crucible upon a clean clay triangle, on its side, and ignite, with a low flame well at its base, until all the carbon of the filter has been consumed. Allow the crucible to cool, add two drops of concentrated nitric acid and one drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and heat !very cautiously!, to avoid spattering, until the acids have been expelled; then transfer the main portion of the precipitate from the glazed paper to the cooled crucible, placing the latter on the larger piece of glazed paper and brushing the precipitate from the smaller piece into it, sweeping off all particles belonging to the determination.

Moisten the precipitate with two drops of concentrated nitric acid and one drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and again heat with great caution until the acids are expelled and the precipitate is white, when the temperature is slowly raised until the silver chloride just begins to fuse at the edges (Note 3). The crucible is then cooled in a desiccator and weighed, after which the heating (without the addition of acids) is repeated, and it is again weighed. This must be continued until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram in two consecutive weighings. Deduct the weight of the crucible, and calculate the percentage of chlorine in the sample of sodium chloride taken for analysis.

[Note 1: The separation of the silver chloride from the filter is essential, since the burning carbon of the paper would reduce a considerable quantity of the precipitate to metallic silver, and its complete reconversion to the chloride within the crucible, by means of acids, would be accompanied by some difficulty. The small amount of silver reduced from the chloride adhering to the filter paper after separating the bulk of the precipitate, and igniting the paper as prescribed, can be dissolved in nitric acid, and completely reconverted to chloride by hydrochloric acid. The subsequent addition of the two acids to the main portion of the precipitate restores the chlorine to any chloride which may have been partially reduced by the sunlight. The excess of the acids is volatilized by heating.]

[Note 2: The platinum wire is wrapped around the top of the filter during its incineration to avoid contact with any reduced silver from the reduction of the precipitate. If the wire were placed nearer the apex, such contact could hardly be avoided.]

[Note 3: Silver chloride should not be heated to complete fusion, since a slight loss by volatilization is possible at high temperatures. The temperature of fusion is not always sufficient to destroy filter shreds; hence these should not be allowed to contaminate the precipitate.]


PROCEDURE.—Weigh out into beakers (200-250 cc.) two portions of the sample (Note 1) of about 1 gram each and dissolve these in 50 cc. of water, to which 1 cc. of dilute hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12)

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