» Science » The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, Charles Robert Darwin [tohfa e dulha read online .TXT] 📗

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are two sets of stamens different in appearance and function. But one set of stamens in each form corresponds with a set in one of the other two forms. Altogether this one species includes three females or female organs and three sets of male organs, all as distinct from one another as if they belonged to different species; and if smaller functional differences are considered, there are five distinct sets of males. Two of the three hermaphrodites must coexist, and pollen must be carried by insects reciprocally from one to the other, in order that either of the two should be fully fertile; but unless all three forms coexist, two sets of stamens will be wasted, and the organisation of the species, as a whole, will be incomplete. On the other hand, when all three hermaphrodites coexist, and pollen is carried from one to the other, the scheme is perfect; there is no waste of pollen and no false co-adaptation. In short, nature has ordained a most complex marriage-arrangement, namely a triple union between three hermaphrodites,--each hermaphrodite being in its female organ quite distinct from the other two hermaphrodites and partially distinct in its male organs, and each furnished with two sets of males.
The three forms may be conveniently called, from the unequal lengths of their pistils, the LONG-STYLED, MID-STYLED, and SHORT-STYLED. The stamens also are of unequal lengths, and these may be called the LONGEST, MID-LENGTH, and SHORTEST. Two sets of stamens of different length are found in each form. The existence of the three forms was first observed by Vaucher, and subsequently more carefully by Wirtgen ; but these botanists, not being guided by any theory or even suspicion of their functional differences, did not perceive some of the most curious points of difference in their structure. (4/1. Vaucher 'Hist. Phys. des Plantes d'Europe' tome 2 1841 page 371. Wirtgen "Ueber Lythrum salicaria und dessen Formen" 'Verhand. des naturhist. Vereins fur preuss. Rheinl.' 5 Jahrgang 1848 S. 7.) I will first briefly describe the three forms by the aid of Figure 4.10, which shows the flowers, six times magnified, in their natural position, with their petals and calyx on the near side removed.

This form can be at once recognised by the length of the pistil, which is (including the ovarium) fully one-third longer than that of the mid-styled, and more than thrice as long as that of the short-styled form. It is so disproportionately long, that it projects in the bud through the folded petals. It stands out considerably beyond the mid-length stamens; its terminal portion depends a little, but the stigma itself is slightly upturned. The globular stigma is considerably larger than that of the other two forms, with the papillae on its surface generally longer. The six mid-length stamens project about two-thirds the length of the pistil, and correspond in length with the pistil of the mid-styled form. Such correspondence in this and the two following forms is generally very close; the difference, where there is any, being usually in a slight excess of length in the stamens. The six shortest stamens lie concealed within the calyx; their ends are turned up, and they are graduated in length, so as to form a double row. The anthers of these stamens are smaller than those of the mid-length ones. The pollen is of the same yellow colour in both sets. H. Muller measured the pollen-grain in all three forms, and his measurements are evidently more trustworthy than those which I formerly made, so I will give them. (4/2. 'Die Befruchtung der Blumen' 1873 page 193.) The numbers refer to divisions of the micrometer equalling 1/300 millimetres. The grains, distended with water, from the mid-length stamens are 7 to 7 1/2, and those from the shortest stamens 6 to 6 1/2 in diameter, or as 100 to 86. The capsules of this form contain on an average 93 seeds: how this average was obtained will presently be explained. As these seeds, when cleaned, seemed larger than those from the mid-styled or short-styled forms, 100 of them were placed in a good balance, and by the double method of weighing were found to equal 121 seeds of the mid-styled or 142 of the short-styled; so that five long-styled seeds very nearly equal six mid-styled or seven short-styled seeds.

The pistil occupies the position represented in Figure 4.10, with its extremity considerably upturned, but to a variable degree; the stigma is seated between the anthers of the longest and the shortest stamens. The six longest stamens correspond in length with the pistil of the long-styled form; their filaments are coloured bright pink; the anthers are dark-coloured, but from containing bright-green pollen and from their early dehiscence they appear emerald-green. Hence in general appearance these stamens are remarkably dissimilar from the mid-length stamens of the long-styled form. The six shortest stamens are enclosed within the calyx, and resemble in all respects the shortest stamens of the long-styled form; both these sets correspond in length with the short pistil of the short-styled form. The green pollen-grains of the longest stamens are 9 to 10 in diameter, whilst the yellow grains from the shortest stamens are only 6; or as 100 to 63. But the pollen-grains from different plants appeared to me, in this case and others, to be in some degree variable in size. The capsules contain on an average 130 seeds; but perhaps, as we shall see, this is rather too high an average. The seeds themselves, as before remarked, are smaller than those of the long-styled form.

The pistil is here very short, not one-third of the length of that of the long- styled form. It is enclosed within the calyx, which, differently from that in the other two forms, does not enclose any anthers. The end of the pistil is generally bent upwards at right angles. The six longest stamens, with their pink filaments and green pollen, resemble the corresponding stamens of the mid-styled form. But according to H. Muller, their pollen-grains are a little larger, namely 9 1/2 to 10 1/2, instead of 9 to 10 in diameter. The six mid-length stamens, with their uncoloured filaments and yellow pollen, resemble in the size of their pollen-grains and in all other respects the corresponding stamens of the long-styled form. The difference in diameter between the grains from the two sets of anthers in the short-styled form is as 100 to 73. The capsules contain fewer seeds on an average than those of either of the preceding forms, namely 83.5; and the seeds are considerably smaller. In this latter respect, but not in number, there is a gradation parallel to that in the length of the pistil, the long-styled having the largest seeds, the mid-styled the next in size, and the short-styled the smallest.
We thus see that this plant exists under three female forms, which differ in the length and curvature of the style, in the size and state of the stigma, and in the number and size of the seed. There are altogether thirty-six males or stamens, and these can be divided into three sets of a dozen each, differing from one another in length, curvature, and colour of the filaments--in the size of the anthers, and especially in the colour and diameter of the pollen-grains. Each form bears half-a-dozen of one kind of stamens and half-a-dozen of another kind, but not all three kinds. The three kinds of stamens correspond in length with the three pistils: the correspondence is always between half of the stamens in two of the forms with the pistil of the third form. Table 4.a of the diameters of the pollen-grains, after immersion in water, from both sets of stamens in all three forms is copied from H. Muller; they are arranged in the order of their size:--
TABLE 4.a. Lythrum salicaria. Diameters of pollen-grains after immersion in water.
Column 1: Source of Pollen-grains. Column 2: Minimum diameter. Column 3: Maximum diameter.
Longest stamens of short-styled form : 9 1/2 : 10 1/2. Longest stamens of mid-styled form : 9 : 10. Mid-length stamens of long-styled form : 7 : 7 1/2. Mid-length stamens of short-styled form : 7 : 7 1/2. Shortest stamens of long-styled form : 6 : 6 1/2. Shortest stamens of mid-styled form : 6 : 6.
We here see that the largest pollen-grains come from the longest stamens, and the least (smallest) from the shortest; the extreme difference in diameter between them being as 100 to 60.
The average number of seeds in the three forms was ascertained by counting them in eight fine selected capsules taken from plants growing wild, and the result was, as we have seen, for the long-styled (neglecting decimals) 93, mid-styled 130, and short-styled 83. I should not have trusted in these ratios had I not possessed a number of plants in my garden which, owing to their youth, did not yield the full complement of seed, but were of the same age and grew under the same conditions, and were freely visited by bees. I took six fine capsules from each, and found the average to be for the long-styled 80, for the mid-styled 97, and for the short-styled 61. Lastly, legitimate unions effected by me between the three forms gave, as may be seen in the following tables, for the long- styled an average of 90 seeds, for the mid-styled 117, and for the short-styled 71. So that we have good concurrent evidence of a difference in the average production of seed by the three forms. To show that the unions effected by me often produced their full effect and may be trusted, I may state that one mid- styled capsule yielded 151 good seeds, which is the same number as in the finest wild capsule which I examined. Some artificially fertilised short- and long- styled capsules produced a greater number of seeds than was ever observed by me in wild plants of the same forms, but then I did not examine many of the latter. This plant, I may add, offers a remarkable instance, how profoundly ignorant we are of the life-conditions of a species. Naturally it grows "in wet ditches, watery places, and especially on the banks of streams," and though it produces so many minute seeds, it never spreads on the adjoining land; yet, when planted in my garden, on clayey soil lying over chalk, and which is so dry that a rush cannot be found, it thrives luxuriantly, grows to above 6 feet in height, produces self-sown seedlings, and (which is a severer test) is as fertile as in a state of nature. Nevertheless it would be almost a miracle to find this plant growing spontaneously on such land as that in my garden.
According to Vaucher and Wirtgen, the three forms coexist in all parts of Europe. Some friends gathered for me in North Wales a number of twigs from separate plants growing near one another, and classified them. My son did the same in Hampshire, and here is the result:--
TABLE 4.22. Lythrum salicaria. Classification according to form of flower.
Column 1: Place of origin. Column 2: Long-styled. Column 3: Mid-styled. Column 4: Short-styled. Column 5: Total.
North Wales : 95 : 97 : 72 : 264. Hampshire : 53 : 38 : 38 : 129. Total : 148 : 135 : 110 : 393.
If twice or thrice the number had been collected, the three forms would probably have been found nearly equal; I infer this from considering the above figures, and from my son telling me that if he had collected in another spot, he felt sure that the mid-styled plants would have been in excess. I several times sowed small parcels of seed, and raised all three forms; but I neglected to record the parent-form, excepting in one instance, in which I raised from short-styled seed twelve plants,
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