» Science » The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, Charles Robert Darwin [tohfa e dulha read online .TXT] 📗

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plants, in comparison with the standard legitimate number of the same form. For instance, ten capsules from the illegitimate long-styled plant (Number 10), which was legitimately and naturally fertilised by other illegitimate plants, contained on an average 44.2 seeds; whereas the capsules on legitimate long-styled plants, legitimately and naturally fertilised by other legitimate plants, contained on an average 93 seeds. Therefore this illegitimate plant yielded only 47 per cent of the full and normal complement of seeds.

Long-styled form: Average number of seeds in each capsule, 93; Maximum number observed out of twenty-three capsules, 159.
Mid-styled form: Average number of seeds, 130; Maximum number observed out of thirty-one capsules, 151.
Short-styled form: Average number of seeds, 83.5; but we may, for the sake of brevity, say 83; Maximum number observed out of twenty-five capsules, 112.

From this union I raised at different times three lots of illegitimate seedlings, amounting altogether to 56 plants. I must premise that, from not foreseeing the result, I did not keep a memorandum whether the eight plants of the first lot were the product of the mid-length or shortest stamens of the same form; but I have good reason to believe that they were the product of the latter. These eight plants were much more dwarfed, and much more sterile than those in the other two lots. The latter were raised from a long-styled plant growing quite isolated, and fertilised by the agency of bees with its own pollen; and it is almost certain, from the relative position of the organs of fructification, that the stigma under these circumstances would receive pollen from the mid-length stamens.
All the fifty-six plants in these three lots proved long-styled; now, if the parent-plants had been legitimately fertilised by pollen from the longest stamens of the mid-styled and short-styled forms, only about one-third of the seedlings would have been long-styled, the other two-thirds being mid-styled and short-styled. In some other trimorphic and dimorphic genera we shall find the same curious fact, namely, that the long-styled form, fertilised illegitimately by its own-form pollen, produces almost exclusively long-styled seedlings. (5/1. Hildebrand first called attention to this fact in the case of Primula Sinensis ('Botanische Zeitung' January 1, 1864 page 5); but his results were not nearly so uniform as mine.)
The eight plants of the first lot were of low stature: three which I measured attained, when fully grown, the heights of only 28, 29, and 47 inches; whilst legitimate plants growing close by were double this height, one being 77 inches. They all betrayed in their general appearance a weak constitution; they flowered rather later in the season, and at a later age than ordinary plants. Some did not flower every year; and one plant, behaving in an unprecedented manner, did not flower until three years old. In the two other lots none of the plants grew quite to their full and proper height, as could at once be seen by comparing them with the adjoining rows of legitimate plants. In several plants in all three lots, many of the anthers were either shrivelled or contained brown and tough, or pulpy matter, without any good pollen-grains, and they never shed their contents; they were in the state designated by Gartner as contabescent, which term I will for the future use. (5/2. 'Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Befruchtung' 1844 page 116.) In one flower all the anthers were contabescent excepting two which appeared to the naked eye sound; but under the microscope about two-thirds of the pollen-grains were seen to be small and shrivelled. In another plant, in which all the anthers appeared sound, many of the pollen- grains were shrivelled and of unequal sizes. I counted the seeds produced by seven plants (1 to 7) in the first lot of eight plants, probably the product of parents fertilised by their own-form shortest stamens, and the seeds produced by three plants in the other two lots, almost certainly the product of parents fertilised by their own-form mid-length stamens.
This long-styled plant was allowed during 1863 to be freely and legitimately fertilised by an adjoining illegitimate mid-styled plant, but it did not yield a single seed-capsule. It was then removed and planted in a remote place close to a brother long-styled plant Number 2, so that it must have been freely though illegitimately fertilised; under these circumstances it did not yield during 1864 and 1865 a single capsule. I should here state that a legitimate or ordinary long-styled plant, when growing isolated, and freely though illegitimately fertilised by insects with its own pollen, yielded an immense number of capsules, which contained on an average 21.5 seeds.
This long-styled plant, after flowering during 1863 close to an illegitimate mid-styled plant, produced less than twenty capsules, which contained on an average between four and five seeds. When subsequently growing in company with Number 1, by which it will have been illegitimately fertilised, it yielded in 1866 not a single capsule, but in 1865 it yielded twenty-two capsules: the best of these, fifteen in number, were examined; eight contained no seed, and the remaining seven contained on an average only three seeds, and these seeds were so small and shrivelled that I doubt whether they would have germinated.
These two long-styled plants, after being freely and legitimately fertilised during 1863 by the same illegitimate mid-styled plant as in the last case, were as miserably sterile as Number 2.
This long-styled plant, after flowering in 1863 close to an illegitimate mid- styled plant, yielded only four capsules, which altogether included only five seeds. During 1864, 1865, and 1866, it was surrounded either by illegitimate or legitimate plants of the other two forms; but it did not yield a single capsule. It was a superfluous experiment, but I likewise artificially fertilised in a legitimate manner twelve flowers; but not one of these produced a capsule; so that this plant was almost absolutely barren.
This long-styled plant, after flowering during the favourable year of 1866, surrounded by illegitimate plants of the other two forms, did not produce a single capsule.
This long-styled plant was the most fertile of the eight plants of the first lot. During 1865 it was surrounded by illegitimate plants of various parentage, many of which were highly fertile, and must thus have been legitimately fertilised. It produced a good many capsules, ten of which yielded an average of 36.1 seeds, with a maximum of 47 and a minimum of 22; so that this plant produced 39 per cent of the full number of seeds. During 1864 it was surrounded by legitimate and illegitimate plants of the other two forms; and nine capsules (one poor one being rejected) yielded an average of 41.9 seeds, with a maximum of 56 and a minimum of 28; so that, under these favourable circumstances, this plant, the most fertile of the first lot, did not yield, when legitimately fertilised, quite 45 per cent of the full complement of seeds.]
In the second lot of plants in the present class, descended from the long-styled form, almost certainly fertilised with pollen from its own mid-length stamens, the plants, as already stated, were not nearly so dwarfed or so sterile as in the first lot. All produced plenty of capsules. I counted the number of seeds in only three plants, namely Numbers 8, 9, and 10.
This plant was allowed to be freely fertilised in 1864 by legitimate and illegitimate plants of the other two forms, and ten capsules yielded on an average 41.1 seeds, with a maximum of 73 and a minimum of 11. Hence this plant produced only 44 per cent of the full complement of seeds.
This long-styled plant was allowed in 1865 to be freely fertilised by illegitimate plants of the other two forms, most of which were moderately fertile. Fifteen capsules yielded on an average 57.1 seeds, with a maximum of 86 and a minimum of 23. Hence the plant yielded 61 per cent of the full complement of seeds.
This long-styled plant was freely fertilised at the same time and in the same manner as the last. Ten capsules yielded an average of 44.2 seeds, with a maximum of 69 and a minimum of 25; hence this plant yielded 47 per cent of the full complement of seeds.]
The nineteen long-styled plants of the third lot, of the same parentage as the last lot, were treated differently; for they flowered during 1867 by themselves so that they must have been illegitimately fertilised by one another. It has already been stated that a legitimate long-styled plant, growing by itself and visited by insects, yielded an average of 21.5 seeds per capsule, with a maximum of 35; but, to judge fairly of its fertility, it ought to have been observed during successive seasons. We may also infer from analogy that, if several legitimate long-styled plants were to fertilise one another, the average number of seeds would be increased; but how much increased I do not know; hence I have no perfectly fair standard of comparison by which to judge of the fertility of the three following plants of the present lot, the seeds of which I counted.
[PLANT 11.
This long-styled plant produced a large crop of capsules, and in this respect was one of the most fertile of the whole lot of nineteen plants. But the average from ten capsules was only 35.9 seeds, with a maximum of 60 and a minimum of 8.
This long-styled plant produced very few capsules; and ten yielded an average of only 15.4 seeds, with a maximum of 30 and a minimum of 4.
This plant offers an anomalous case; it flowered profusely, yet produced very few capsules; but these contained numerous seeds. Ten capsules yielded an average of 71.9 seeds, with a maximum of 95 and a minimum of 29. Considering that this plant was illegitimate and illegitimately fertilised by its brother long-styled seedlings, the average and the maximum are so remarkably high that I cannot at all understand the case. We should remember that the average for a legitimate plant legitimately fertilised is 93 seeds.]
I raised from this union nine plants, of which eight were short-styled and one long-styled; so that there seems to be a strong tendency in this form to reproduce, when self-fertilised, the parent-form; but the tendency is not so strong as with the long-styled. These nine plants never attained the full height of legitimate plants growing close to them. The anthers were contabescent in many of the flowers on several plants.
[PLANT 14.
This short-styled plant was allowed during 1865 to be freely and legitimately fertilised by illegitimate plants descended from self-fertilised mid-, long- and short-styled plants. Fifteen capsules yielded an average of 28.3 seeds, with a maximum of 51 and a minimum of 11; hence this plant produced only 33 per cent of the proper number of seeds. The seeds themselves were small and irregular in shape. Although so sterile on the female side, none of the anthers were contabescent.
This short-styled plant, treated like the last during the same year, yielded an average, from fifteen capsules, of 27 seeds, with a maximum of 49 and a minimum of 7. But two poor capsules may be rejected, and then the average rises to 32.6, with the same maximum of 49 and a minimum of 20; so that this plant attained 38 per cent of the normal standard of fertility, and was rather more fertile than the
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