» Science » The Einstein Theory of Relativity, H. A. Lorentz [great novels to read TXT] 📗

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falling itself, then we should get the impression that there was no gravitation at all. If the measure goes down with an acceleration equal to a half or a third of what it just was, then the relative motion of the body will, of course, be accelerated, but we should find the increase in velocity per second one-half or two-thirds of 981. If, finally, we let the measure rise with a uniformly accelerated movement, then we shall find a greater acceleration than 981 for the body itself.

Thus we see that we, also when the measure is not attached to the earth, disregarding its displacement, page 40may describe the motion of the body in respect to the measure always in the same way—i.e., as one uniformly accelerated, as we ascribe now and again a fixed value to the acceleration of the sphere of gravitation, in a particular case the value of zero.

Of course, in the case here under consideration the use of a measure fixed immovably upon the earth should merit all recommendation. But in the spaces of the solar system we have, now that we have abandoned the ether, no such support. We can no longer establish a system of co-ordinates, like the one just mentioned, in a universal intermediate matter, and if we were to arrive in one way or another at a definite system of lines crossing each page 41other in three directions, then we should be able to use just as well another similar system that in respect to the first moves this or that way. We should also be able to remodel the system of co-ordinates in all kinds of ways, for example by extension or compression. That in all these cases for fixed bodies that do not participate in the movement or the remodelling of the system other co-ordinates will be read off again and again is clear. page 42

New System or Co-Ordinates

What way Einstein had to follow is now apparent. He must—this hardly needs to be said—in calculating definite, particular cases make use of a chosen system of co-ordinates, but as he had no means of limiting his choice beforehand and in general, he had to reserve full liberty of action in this respect. Therefore he made it his aim so to arrange the theory that, no matter how the choice was made, the phenomena of gravitation, so far as its effects and its stimulation by the attracting bodies are concerned, may always be described in the same waypage 43i.e., through comparisons of the same general form, as we again and again give certain values to the numbers that mark the sphere of gravitation. (For the sake of simplification I here disregard the fact that Einstein desires that also the way in which time is measured and represented by figures shall have no influence upon the central value of the comparisons.)

Whether this aim could be attained was a question of mathematical inquiry. It really was attained, remarkably enough, and, we may say, to the surprise of Einstein himself, although at the cost of considerable simplicity in the mathematical form; it appeared necessary for the fixation of the field of gravitation in one or the other point in page 44space to introduce no fewer than ten quantities in the place of the one that occurred in the example mentioned above.

In this connection it is of importance to note that when we exclude certain possibilities that would give rise to still greater intricacy, the form of comparison used by Einstein to present the theory is the only possible one; the principle of the freedom of choice in co-ordinates was the only one by which he needed to allow himself to be guided. Although thus there was no special effort made to reach a connection with the theory of Newton, it was evident, fortunately, at the end of the experiment that the connection existed. If we avail ourselves of the simplifying circumstance that page 45the velocities of the heavenly bodies are slight in comparison with that of light, then we can deduce the theory of Newton from the new theory, the “universal” relativity theory, as it is called by Einstein. Thus all the conclusions based upon the Newtonian theory hold good, as must naturally be required. But now we have got further along. The Newtonian theory can no longer be regarded as absolutely correct in all cases; there are slight deviations from it, which, although as a rule unnoticeable, once in a while fall within the range of observation.

Now, there was a difficulty in the movement of the planet Mercury which could not be solved. Even after all the disturbances page 46caused by the attraction of other planets had been taken into account, there remained an inexplicable phenomenon—i.e., an extremely slow turning of the ellipsis described by Mercury on its own plane; Leverrier had found that it amounted to forty-three seconds a century. Einstein found that, according to his formulas, this movement must really amount to just that much. Thus with a single blow he solved one of the greatest puzzles of astronomy.

Still more remarkable, because it has a bearing upon a phenomenon which formerly could not be imagined, is the confirmation of Einstein's prediction regarding the influence of gravitation upon the page 47course of the rays of light. That such an influence must exist is taught by a simple examination; we have only to turn back for a moment to the following comparison in which we were just imagining ourselves to make our observations. It was noted that when the compartment is falling with the acceleration of 981 the phenomena therein will occur just as if there were no attraction of gravitation. We can then see an object, A, stand still somewhere in open space. A projectile, B, can travel with constant speed along a horizontal line, without varying from it in the slightest.

A ray of light can do the same; everybody will admit that in each case, if there is no gravitation, light page 48will certainly extend itself in a rectilinear way. If we limit the light to a flicker of the slightest duration, so that only a little bit, C, of a ray of light arises, or if we fix our attention upon a single vibration of light, C, while we on the other hand give to the projectile, B, a speed equal to that of light, then we can conclude that B and C in their continued motion can always remain next to each other. Now if we watch all this, not from the movable compartment, but from a place on the earth, then we shall note the usual falling movement of object A, which shows us that we have to deal with a sphere of gravitation. The projectile B will, in a bent path, vary more and more from a horizontal straight line, and the light page 49will do the same, because if we observe the movements from another standpoint this can have no effect upon the remaining next to each other of B and C. page 50

Deflection of Light

The bending of a ray of light thus described is much too light on the surface of the earth to be observed. But the attraction of gravitation exercised by the sun on its surface is, because of its great mass, more than twenty-seven times stronger, and a ray of light that goes close by the superficies of the sun must surely be noticeably bent. The rays of a star that are seen at a short distance from the edge of the sun will, going along the sun, deviate so much from the original direction that they strike the eye of an observer as if they came in a straight line from a point somewhat further removed than the real position of the star from the sun. It is at that point that we page 51think we see the star; so here is a seeming displacement from the sun, which increases in the measure in which the star is observed closer to the sun. The Einstein theory teaches that the displacement is in inverse proportion to the apparent distance of the star from the centre of the sun, and that for a star just on its edge it will amount to 1′.75 (1.75 seconds). This is approximately the thousandth part of the apparent diameter of the sun.

Naturally, the phenomenon can only be observed when there is a total eclipse of the sun; then one can take photographs of neighboring stars and through comparing the plate with a picture of the same part of the heavens taken at a time when the sun was far removed from page 52that point the sought-for movement to one side may become apparent.

Thus to put the Einstein theory to the test was the principal aim of the English expeditions sent out to observe the eclipse of May 29, one to Prince's Island, off the coast of Guinea, and the other to Sobral, Brazil. The first-named expedition's observers were Eddington and Cottingham, those of the second, Crommelin and Davidson. The conditions were especially favorable, for a very large number of bright stars were shown on the photographic plate; the observers at Sobral being particularly lucky in having good weather.

The total eclipse lasted five minutes, during four of which it was perfectly clear, so that good photographs page 53could be taken. In the report issued regarding the results the following figures, which are the average of the measurements made from the seven plates, are given for the displacements of seven stars:

1″.02, 0″.92, 0″.84, 0″.58, 0″.54, 0″.36, 0″.24, whereas, according to the theory, the displacements should have amounted to: 0″.88, 0″.80, 0″.75, 0″.40, 0″.52, 0″.33, 0″.20.

If we consider that, according to the theory the displacements must be in inverse ratio to the distance from the centre of the sun, then we may deduce from each observed displacement how great the sideways movement for a star at the edge of the sun should have been. As the most probable result, therefore, the number 1″.98 was found from all page 54the observations together. As the last of the displacements given above—i.e., 0″.24 is about one-eighth of this, we may say that the influence of the attraction of the sun upon light made itself felt upon the ray at a distance eight times removed from its centre.

The displacements calculated according to the theory are, just because of the way in which they are calculated, in inverse proportion to the distance to the centre. Now that the observed deviations also accord with the same rule, it follows that they are surely proportionate with the calculated displacements. The proportion of the first and the last observed sidewise movements is 4.2, and that of the two most extreme of the calculated numbers is 4.4. page 55

This result is of importance, because thereby the theory is excluded, or at least made extremely improbable, that the phenomenon of refraction is to be ascribed to, a ring of vapor surrounding the sun for a great distance. Indeed, such a refraction should cause a deviation in the observed direction, and, in order to produce the displacement of one of the stars under observation itself a slight proximity of the vapor ring should be sufficient, but we have every reason to expect that if it were merely a question of a mass of gas around the sun the diminishing effect accompanying a removal from the sun should manifest itself much faster than is really the case. We cannot speak with perfect certainty here, as all the factors that page 56might be of influence upon the distribution of density in a sun atmosphere are not well enough known, but we can surely

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