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Book online «Amusements in Mathematics, Henry Ernest Dudeney [books to read to be successful txt] 📗». Author Henry Ernest Dudeney

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attacks on diagonals. The pawns must be regarded as mere points in space—at the centres of the squares. See dotted lines in the case of No. 300, "The Eight Queens."


My friend Captain Potham Hall, the renowned hunter of big game, says there is nothing more exhilarating than a brush with a herd—a pack—a team—a flock—a swarm (it has taken me a full quarter of an hour to recall the right word, but I have it at last)—a pride of lions. Why a number of lions are called a "pride," a number of whales a "school," and a number of foxes a "skulk" are mysteries of philology into which I will not enter.

Well, the captain says that if a spirited lion crosses your path in the desert it becomes lively, for the lion has generally been looking for the man just as much as the man has sought the king of the forest. And yet when they meet they always quarrel and fight it out. A little contemplation of this unfortunate and long-standing feud between two estimable families has led me to figure out a few calculations as to the probability of the man and the lion crossing one another's path in the jungle. In all these cases one has to start on certain more or less arbitrary assumptions. That is why in the above illustration I have thought it necessary to represent the paths in the desert with such rigid regularity. Though the captain assures me that the tracks of the lions usually run much in this way, I have doubts.

The puzzle is simply to find out in how many different ways the man and the lion may be placed on two different spots that are not on the same path. By "paths" it must be understood that I only refer to the ruled lines. Thus, with the exception of the four corner spots, each combatant is always on two paths and no more. It will be seen that there is a lot of scope for evading one another in the desert, which is just what one has always understood.


The knight is the irresponsible low comedian of the chessboard. "He is a very uncertain, sneaking, and demoralizing rascal," says an American writer. "He can only move two squares, but makes up in the quality of his locomotion for its quantity, for he can spring one square sideways and one forward simultaneously, like a cat; can stand on one leg in the middle of the board and jump to any one of eight squares he chooses; can get on one side of a fence and blackguard three or four men on the other; has an objectionable way of inserting himself in safe places where he can scare the king and compel him to move, and then gobble a queen. For pure cussedness the knight has no equal, and when you chase him out of one hole he skips into another." Attempts have been made over and over again to obtain a short, simple, and exact definition of the move of the knight—without success. It really consists in moving one square like a rook, and then another square like a bishop—the two operations being done in one leap, so that it does not matter whether the first square passed over is occupied by another piece or not. It is, in fact, the only leaping move in chess. But difficult as it is to define, a child can learn it by inspection in a few minutes.

I have shown in the diagram how twelve knights (the fewest possible that will perform the feat) may be placed on the chessboard so that every square is either occupied or attacked by a knight. Examine every square in turn, and you will find that this is so. Now, the puzzle in this case is to discover what is the smallest possible number of knights that is required in order that every square shall be either occupied or attacked, and every knight protected by another knight. And how would you arrange them? It will be found that of the twelve shown in the diagram only four are thus protected by being a knight's move from another knight.


On an ordinary chessboard, 8 by 8, every square can be guarded—that is, either occupied or attacked—by 5 queens, the fewest possible. There are exactly 91 fundamentally different arrangements in which no queen attacks another queen. If every queen must attack (or be protected by) another queen, there are at fewest 41 arrangements, and I have recorded some 150 ways in which some of the queens are attacked and some not, but this last case is very difficult to enumerate exactly.

On an ordinary chessboard every square can be guarded by 8 rooks (the fewest possible) in 40,320 ways, if no rook may attack another rook, but it is not known how many of these are fundamentally different. (See solution to No. 295, "The Eight Rooks.") I have not enumerated the ways in which every rook shall be protected by another rook.

On an ordinary chessboard every square can be guarded by 8 bishops (the fewest possible), if no bishop may attack another bishop. Ten bishops are necessary if every bishop is to be protected. (See Nos. 297 and 298, "Bishops unguarded" and "Bishops guarded.")

On an ordinary chessboard every square can be guarded by 12 knights if all but 4 are unprotected. But if every knight must be protected, 14 are necessary. (See No. 319, "The Knight-Guards.")

Dealing with the queen on n2 boards generally, where n is less than 8, the following results will be of interest:—

1 queen guards 22 board in 1 fundamental way.

1 queen guards 32 board in 1 fundamental way.

2 queens guard 42 board in 3 fundamental ways (protected).

3 queens guard 42 board in 2 fundamental ways (not protected).

3 queens guard 52 board in 37 fundamental ways (protected).

3 queens guard 52 board in 2 fundamental ways (not protected).

3 queens guard 62 board in 1 fundamental way (protected).

4 queens guard 62 board in 17 fundamental ways (not protected).

4 queens guard 72 board in 5 fundamental ways (protected).

4 queens guard 72 board in 1 fundamental way (not protected).


We know that n queens may always be placed on a square board of n2 squares (if n be greater than 3) without any queen attacking another queen. But no general formula for enumerating the number of different ways in which it may be done has yet been discovered; probably it is undiscoverable. The known results are as follows:—

Where n = 4 there is 1 fundamental solution and 2 in all.

Where n = 5 there are 2 fundamental solutions and 10 in all.

Where n = 6 there is 1 fundamental solution and 4 in all.

Where n = 7 there are 6 fundamental solutions and 40 in all.

Where n = 8 there are 12 fundamental solutions and 92 in all.

Where n = 9 there are 46 fundamental solutions.

Where n = 10 there are 92 fundamental solutions.

Where n = 11 there are 341 fundamental solutions.

Obviously n rooks may be placed without attack on an n2 board in n! ways, but how many of these are fundamentally different I have only worked out in the four cases where n equals 2, 3, 4, and 5. The answers here are respectively 1, 2, 7, and 23. (See No. 296, "The Four Lions.")

We can place 2n-2 bishops on an n2 board in 2n ways. (See No. 299, "Bishops in Convocation.") For boards containing 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 squares, on a side there are respectively 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 20, 36 fundamentally different arrangements. Where n is odd there are 2½(n-1) such arrangements, each giving 4 by reversals and reflections, and 2n-3 - 2½(n-3) giving 8. Where n is even there are 2½(n-2), each giving 4 by reversals and reflections, and 2n-3 - 2½(n-4), each giving 8.

We can place ½(n2+1) knights on an n2 board without attack, when n is odd, in 1 fundamental way; and ½n2 knights on an n2 board, when n is even, in 1 fundamental way. In the first case we place all the knights on the same colour as the central square; in the second case we place them all on black, or all on white, squares.


On a board of n2 squares, two queens, two rooks, two bishops, or two knights can always be placed, irrespective of attack or not, in ½(n4 - n2) ways. The following formulæ will show in how many of these ways the two pieces may be placed with attack and without:—

With Attack. Without Attack. 2 Queens 5n3 - 6n2 + n 3n4 - 10n3 + 9n2 - 2n 3 6 2 Rooks n3 - n2 n4 - 2n3 + n2 2 2 Bishops 4n3 - 6n2 + 2n 3n4 - 4n3 + 3n2 - 2n 6 6 2 Knights 4n2 - 12n + 8 n4 - 9n2 + 24n 2

(See No. 318, "Lion Hunting.")


"Push on—keep moving."
THOS. MORTON: Cure for the Heartache.


The puzzle is to move the single rook over the whole board, so that it shall visit every square of the board once, and only once, and end its tour on the square from which it starts. You have to do this in as few moves as possible, and unless you are very careful you will take just one move too many. Of course, a square is regarded equally as "visited" whether you merely pass over it or make it a stopping-place, and we will not quibble over the point whether the original square is actually visited twice. We will assume that it is not.


This puzzle I call "The Rook's Journey," because the word "tour" (derived from a turner's wheel) implies that we return to the point from which we set out, and we do not do this in the present case. We should not be satisfied with a personally conducted holiday tour that ended by leaving us, say, in the middle of the Sahara. The rook here makes twenty-one moves, in the course of which journey it visits every square of the board once and only once, stopping at the square marked 10 at the end of its tenth move, and ending at the square marked 21. Two consecutive moves cannot be made in the same direction—that is to say, you must make a turn after every move.


A wicked baron in the good old days imprisoned an innocent maiden in one of the deepest dungeons beneath the castle moat. It will be seen from our illustration that there were sixty-three cells in the dungeon, all connected by open doors, and the maiden was chained in the cell in which she is shown. Now, a valiant knight, who loved the damsel, succeeded in rescuing her from the enemy. Having gained an entrance to the dungeon at the point where he is seen, he succeeded in reaching the maiden after entering every cell once and only once. Take your pencil and try to trace out such a route. When you have succeeded, then try to discover a route in twenty-two straight paths through the cells. It can be done in this number without entering any cell a second time.


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