» Science » The Power of Movement in Plants, Charles Darwin [the reading list book TXT] 📗

Book online «The Power of Movement in Plants, Charles Darwin [the reading list book TXT] 📗». Author Charles Darwin

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whether injury was thus soon caused, the upper halves of 8 cotyledons of Avena were thickly coated with transparent matter,—4 with gum, and 4 with gelatine; they were placed in the morning before a window, and by the evening they were normally bowed towards the light, although the coatings now consisted of dry crusts of gum and gelatine. Moreover, if the seedlings which were painted longitudinally with Indian ink had been injured on the painted side, the opposite side would have gone on growing, and they would consequently have become bowed towards the painted side; whereas the curvature was always, as we have seen, in the opposite direction, or towards the unpainted side which was exposed to the light. We witnessed the effects of injuring longitudinally one side of the cotyledons of Avena and Phalaris; for before we knew that grease was highly injurious to them, several were painted down one side [page 468]

with a mixture of oil and lamp-black, and were then exposed before a window; others similarly treated were afterwards tried in darkness. These cotyledons soon became plainly bowed towards the blackened side, evidently owing to the grease on this side having checked their growth, whilst growth continued on the opposite side. But it deserves notice that the curvature differed from that caused by light, which ultimately becomes abrupt near the ground. These seedlings did not afterwards die, but were much injured and grew badly.




Phalaris Canariensis.—Whilst observing the accuracy with which the cotyledons of this plant became bent towards the light of a small lamp, we were impressed with the idea that the uppermost part determined the direction of the curvature of the lower part. When the cotyledons are exposed to a lateral light, the upper part bends first, and afterwards the bending gradually extends down to the base, and, as we shall presently see, even a little beneath the ground. This holds good with cotyledons from less than .1 inch (one was observed to act in this manner which was only .03 in height) to about .5 of an inch in height; but when they have grown to nearly an inch in height, the basal part, for a length of .15 to .2 of an inch above the ground, ceases to bend. As with young cotyledons the lower part goes on bending, after the upper part has become well arched towards a lateral light, the apex would ultimately point to the ground instead of to the light, did not the upper part reverse its curvature and straighten itself, as

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soon as the upper convex surface of the bowed-down portion received more light than the lower concave surface. The position ultimately assumed by young and upright cotyledons, exposed to light entering obliquely from above through a window, is shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 181); and here it may be seen that the whole upper part has become very nearly straight. When the cotyledons were exposed before a bright lamp, standing on the same level with them, the upper part, which was at first Fig. 181. Phalaris Canariensis: cotyledons after exposure in a box open on one side in front of a south-west window during 8 h. Curvature towards the light accurately traced. The short horizontal lines show the level of the ground.


greatly arched towards the light, became straight and strictly parallel with the surface of the soil in the pots; the basal part being now rectangularly bent. All this great amount of curvature, together with the subsequent straightening of the upper part, was often effected in a few hours.


[After the uppermost part has become bowed a little to the light, its overhanging weight must tend to increase the curvature of the lower part; but any such effect was shown in several ways to be quite insignificant.

When little caps of tin-foil (hereafter to be described) were placed on the summits of the cotyledons, though this must have added considerably to their weight, the rate or amount of bending was not thus increased. But the best evidence was afforded by placing pots with seedlings of Phalaris before a lamp in such a position, that the cotyledons were horizontally extended and projected at right angles to the line of light. In the course of 5 � h. they were directed towards the light with their bases bent at right angles; and this abrupt

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curvature could not have been aided in the least by the weight of the upper part, which acted at right angles to the plane of curvature.


It will be shown that when the upper halves of the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena were enclosed in little pipes of tin-foil or of blackened glass, in which case the upper part was mechanically prevented from bending, the lower and unenclosed part did not bend when exposed to a lateral light; and it occurred to us that this fact might be due, not to the exclusion of the light from the upper part, but to some necessity of the bending gradually travelling down the cotyledons, so that unless the upper part first became bent, the lower could not bend, however much it might be stimulated. It was necessary for our purpose to ascertain whether this notion was true, and it was proved false; for the lower halves of several cotyledons became bowed to the light, although their upper halves were enclosed in little glass tubes (not blackened), which prevented, as far as we could judge, their bending. Nevertheless, as the part within the tube might possibly bend a very little, fine rigid rods or flat splinters of thin glass were cemented with shellac to one side of the upper part of 15 cotyledons; and in six cases they were in addition tied on with threads. They were thus forced to remain quite straight. The result was that the lower halves of all became bowed to the light, but generally not in so great a degree as the corresponding part of the free seedlings in the same pots; and this may perhaps be accounted for by some slight degree of injury having been caused by a considerable surface having been smeared with shellac. It may be added, that when the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena are acted on by apogeotropism, it is the upper part which begins first to bend; and when this part was rendered rigid in the manner just described, the upward curvature of the basal part was not thus prevented.


To test our belief that the upper part of the cotyledons of Phalaris, when exposed to a lateral light, regulates the bending of the lower part, many experiments were tried; but most of our first attempts proved useless from various causes not worth specifying. Seven cotyledons had their tips cut off for lengths varying between .1 and .16 of an inch, and these, when left exposed all day to a lateral light, remained upright. In another set of 7

cotyledons, the tips were cut off for a length of only about .05 of an inch (1.27 mm.) and these became bowed towards [page 471]

a lateral light, but not nearly so much as the many other seedlings in the same pots. This latter case shows that cutting off the tips does not by itself injure the plants so seriously as to prevent heliotropism; but we thought at the time, that such injury might follow when a greater length was cut off, as in the first set of experiments. Therefore, no more trials of this kind were made, which we now regret; as we afterwards found that when the tips of three cotyledons were cut off for a length of .2 inch, and of four others for lengths of .14, .12, .1, and .07 inch, and they were extended horizontally, the amputation did not interfere in the least with their bending vertically upwards, through the action of apogeotropism, like unmutilated specimens. It is therefore extremely improbable that the amputation of the tips for lengths of from .1 to .14 inch, could from the injury thus caused have prevented the lower part from bending towards the light.


We next tried the effects of covering the upper part of the cotyledons of Phalaris with little caps which were impermeable to light; the whole lower part being left fully exposed before a south-west window or a bright paraffin lamp. Some of the caps were made of extremely thin tin-foil blackened within; these had the disadvantage of occasionally, though rarely, being too heavy, especially when twice folded. The basal edges could be pressed into close contact with the cotyledons; though this again required care to prevent injuring them. Nevertheless, any injury thus caused could be detected by removing the caps, and trying whether the cotyledons were then sensitive to light. Other caps were made of tubes of the thinnest glass, which when painted black served well, with the one great disadvantage that the lower ends could not be closed. But tubes were used which fitted the cotyledons almost closely, and black paper was placed on the soil round each, to check the upward reflection of light from the soil. Such tubes were in one respect far better than caps of tin-foil, as it was possible to cover at the same time some cotyledons with transparent and others with opaque tubes; and thus our experiments could be controlled.

It should be kept in mind that young cotyledons were selected for trial, and that these when not interfered with become bowed down to the ground towards the light.


We will begin with the glass-tubes. The summits of nine cotyledons, differing somewhat in height, were enclosed for rather less than half their lengths in uncoloured or transparent

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tubes; and these were then exposed before a south-west window on a bright day for 8 h. All of them became strongly curved towards the light, in the same degree as the many other free seedlings in the same pots; so that the glass-tubes certainly did not prevent the cotyledons from bending towards the light. Nineteen other cotyledons were, at the same time, similarly enclosed in tubes thickly painted with Indian ink. On five of them, the paint, to our surprise, contracted after exposure to the sunlight, and very narrow cracks were formed, through which a little light entered; and these five cases were rejected. Of the remaining 14 cotyledons, the lower halves of which had been fully exposed to the light for the whole time, 7

continued quite straight and upright; 1 was considerably bowed to the light, and 6 were slightly bowed, but with the exposed bases of most of them almost or quite straight. It is possible that some light may have been reflected upwards from the soil and entered the bases of these 7 tubes, as the sun shone brightly, though bits of blackened paper had been placed on the soil round them. Nevertheless, the 7 cotyledons which were slightly bowed, together with the 7 upright ones, presented a most remarkable contrast in appearance with the many other seedlings in the same pots to which nothing had been done. The blackened tubes were then removed from 10

of these seedlings, and they were now exposed before a lamp for 8 h.; 9 of them became greatly, and 1 moderately, curved towards the light, proving that the previous absence of any curvature in the basal part, or the presence of only a slight degree of curvature there, was due to the exclusion of light from the upper part.


Similar observations were made on 12 younger cotyledons with their upper halves enclosed within glass-tubes coated with black varnish, and with their lower halves fully exposed to bright sunshine. In these younger seedlings the sensitive zone seems to extend rather lower down, as was observed on some other occasions, for two became almost as much curved towards the light as

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