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The point of this E-book is to serve as a guide on how to complete your final project for the Natural Disasters unit. The E-book will allow all of Mr. Willits Earth Science students to complete their final natural disasters project.

In this book we go on a voyage to find the answer to the number one question asked by people of Science and Faith do they conflict or conciliate? Is Islam an old outdated religion? Is there need of religion?

There’s an unresolved dispute over the physical nature of space. It occurs because of what Bacon called our “dull and deceptive human senses.” On one hand, space appears empty. This led biblical and modern cosmologists to conclude space is an “empty vacuum.” But, when astrophysicists from Newton to Einstein studied space, they found it exhibits physical behaviors – for example, it physically carries light and heat from the sun to earth. This led the astrophysicists to conclude space is an

This book was written for a class in educational technology and is meant to address high school students re: the differences and similarities in science and science fiction.