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This book is actually in a kind-of...minutes format that was made based on a dialogue with Dr William Campbell and Dr Zakir Naik, it was considered "The Ultimate Dialogue" because both of these great scholars will be talking about religion (namely Christianity and Islam) in the light of science and they will try to prove which is more compatible with science as well as finding scientific errors each others holy scriptures

It is the end of the world. Emily and Craig are battling for their life. They feel powerless as mother nature is deystorying their whole planet. The sun is slowly moving towards the Earth.

the application of microscope is and of techniques used in historica study and study of microbiology. the microscope is used to determine the morphology and morphology characteristeristics of micro-organisms such as bacteria,fungi,protozoa,alge and virus.

More about the Bio Polymer & Plastic How to mfg Market Tred Analysis properties etc..................................... thanks ..................

Is humankind soon to be superseded by a new dominant life-form? Are we heading towards a world in which all goods and services are essentially free and traffic congestion practically nil? How much Imagination is in a can of beans? Why does the human animal uniquely do so much unusual stuff? Sports, Arts, Sciences, Technologies? What is so very special about glass? Are computers very different from minds? When reduced to basics, does money correspond to gravity? How could that possibly be? Why