» Self-Help » I Am A Woman And Not Stupidly Touchy About It, Santosh Jha [mystery books to read .txt] 📗

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Seldom in the history of humanity, the larger society and popular cultures cared for nurturance of elemental womanhood. They all however have crafted masterly artistry of ‘body-appropriates’ for women. The sculpting artistry of yesteryears has now become more raw, rough, blatantly and brutally indiscreet about woman body in contemporary porn world. The selfiegraphy shall show wider and deeper ingenuities.

This artistry of sculpting of stones of yesteryears, to make figures of populist idealisms, has shifted business. Real people and their bare bodies are now being sculpted as per the idealisms of the contemporary culture of artistic appropriates.

It seems, collective conscience of humanity never ever created a craft, which could stay as epic of nurturance for womanhood. Men write epics about women, the mysticism and miseries of women, her body and love. Wonder, why there is no epic written on the craft of nurturance-needs of womanhood, which every man must follow as essential appropriates.

Therefore, it is for an individual woman, with all her genius or stupidities, to engender a world of wellness for herself, where she has all appropriates of nurturance. The society, the cultures, the larger humanity does not seem to be offering anything substantial…

… this is hugely tough…! Why…?

Because – “There are ‘Fictions’, and there are acoustics of insinuations; the mass and energy all behind this populist simulation, beckoning with all its unputdownable might, to be accepted as ‘Facts’. There are ‘Virtualisms’, cosmetically wrapped and muffled with pink-posturing, with loads of visual-vehementality, urging to sediment them in subconscious and unconscious mind domains as ‘Realism’…!”

In such modern milieus, the empowerment, the call for wellness is – Stop-See-Introspect-Assess-Align-Assign…!

The details can be in specificity. However, empowerment is generic, lies in objectivity…! Being a ‘woman’ and accepting milieu-appropriated ‘perceptional’ factualism about idealisms of feminism and womanhood has already split vertically the age-old man-woman symbiosis and symmetry. Goodness, Righteousness and Appropriates are seldom ‘gender-appropriate’. There is already so much ‘bad perceptions’ about man-woman symbiosis and symmetry’ most of which is far away from grassroots facts.

Appropriates are aligned to regaining this man-woman symbiosis and symmetry and installing it to the high pedestal of nurturance, wellness and poise…



The contemporary socio-cultural sphere is very complex and full of conflicts. The challenge for a modern woman of substance to have her poise and exude righteous benchmarks of wellness for society and culture is tough. She must understand and accept why she is the dominant gender and why cultures always take on what she chooses and decides. Cultures always take the hint of utility and righteousness from what the female gender of all species accepts as. It is the way evolution works. Feminity energies the process of evolution.

The single transcendental fact is, feminization is the primeval energy and at work since the inception of the universe. Whatever creation process we look at, the guiding energy is feminine. Understand the core energy of human cultural evolution as well as the instinctive and conscious process of this evolution; it would be clear that the primeval energy of evolution process is feminization and it has been very good and productive.

The facts supporting the Feminization energy are:

Evolution is, generally speaking, a product of ‘natural selection’ and ‘sexual selection’ and in both the selection processes, the regulator and master are females. This is true for not only humans but also for all species since 680 million years ago.

Most aspects of modern as well as ancient culture of species, including human are products of the morphological and behavioral adaptations resulting, owing to the female-powered ‘selection’ mechanisms.

The cell of the complex organism contains two sets of DNA. The ‘nuclear DNA’ provides the organism shape and function, whereas the ‘mitochondrial DNA’ provides the functioning of the cell itself. Nuclear DNA is supplied by both parents. But, only the mother supplies the mitochondrial DNA. The nuclear DNA, once the organism is mature, rarely replicates. Mitochondrial DNA constantly replicates during the life cycle and is responsible for the wellbeing of the organism. Therefore, as against the popular perception, it is actually a female, which is the ‘dominant sex’; genetically speaking.

In Indian spiritual-religious system, it has clearly been said that we can pay off the pitra-rin (debt of father) but never the matri-rin (debt of mother). This establishes the fact that what a female does to humanity is unredeemable. The female element is the primary energy shaping most entities in the world. Such energy needs to be respected but also has to be responsible.

In the early hominid, it was necessary to form cooperative groups (herds, tribes) wherein the roles of the males and females were quite different. When roles are different between two organisms such as the male and female of a species, even though they may share the same reproductive process, evolution develops form in each to fit those cultural differences. Dimorphism (male larger than the female in the human) was one of the results.

Physical differences in form and shape between the sexes were not the only differences. Neural differences were also developed and they still exist. As a result of the male having a different role from that of the female, there were both physical and mental differences between the two. Although both experience the same environment, and they share large overlapping regions of agreement, they think differently about it and provide different solutions to the same problems. The cooperative combination of the two then provides optimum species survival.

It has to be reiterated here that evolution created gender differences for better utility of species survival and excellence. It is the human culture, which classified them inferior and superior. These need to be unlearnt by both females as well as males in modern world. Moreover, it also needs to be accepted that gender role differentiations are not static. Modern contemporary cultures need to redefine the gender roles, as per the new requirement. Here, it must be cautioned that there should never be the idea of superiority in accepting role differentiations. Male-female cooperation is a requirement for species survival and excellence and therefore, all roles by either male or female are of equal importance. They need to be respected.

The fact remains that with ‘power’ comes ‘responsibility’. The energy, if value-neutral, develops the potential of entropy and disorder. Creation is an immense power; creation can be both good and bad. Power can be good as well as bad. Authorization and empowerment needs very strong structure and process of responsibilities. The superiority is not only in authorization, it is in a judicious mix of power and responsibilities. Modern contemporary women of substance need to be in a holistic and receptive mind consciousness to accept that feminine-energy is the dominant and creative energy of the cosmos. This energy cannot shun responsibility of the role, which is so powerful and constructive.

It is important to understand and accept that in human life, it is the intangible element, of milieus as well as consciousness, which are decisive. Our mind consciousness is designed in such a way that even tangible entities are accepted by mind consciousness and registered by brain mechanism in intangible perspectives. Women have a distinct mechanism from what males have. The mind consciousness of women accepts more intangibles to its male counterpart. Female brain is distinct from male brain. The hormonal system of females is also different. Modern women of substance must accept that their mind consciousness is designed to be a better receptor of intangibles of milieus around. Women shall always have a completely distinct and unique sense and perspective of life-living wellness and personal excellence, as their mind consciousness shall always value the intangibles of life, more than the tangibles.

Nature has designed this distinction and it has larger utility for the survival and excellence of human species. Women of substance shall always accept and respect this brilliance and utility of the body-mind-neural difference. In reactive and competing mood and mode, the modern women of substance shall never favor a choice and priority, which goes against her personal wellness and natural excellence. She is nature’s chosen energy of responsible construction and nurturance. The evolution has chosen her as the dominant element of cosmic construction. In her reactiveness and competing zeal, modern women of substance cannot accept those priorities, which work against her innate mind consciousness and instinctive wellness and excellence.

She is the prime, pristine and predominant energy of all good things in the cosmos for the last billions of years. She is the pristine and primary beauty of cosmic construction. She is the ultimate hope for future and excellence of the human species on earth. On her judicious priorities depend the survival of the human race on earth. It is for sure, the universe has always believed in the ultimate righteousness of feminization energy and it shall always. The universe has been patient since 14 billion years… we all have to be …. we are…!



Most women think of feminism as an agenda. Females do not have to think in terms of agenda. All they have to do is to be a woman they are. Women have evolved in the long history of humanity as an alternative mode of life view. Feminism is not born out of what women decide to achieve while competing for an equal space in the man’s world or what the contemporary world-order perpetuated singe long desiderates. It is in fact a simple manifestation of a woman’s own alternative view on all things in life. Feminism is all about the very essence of the female portion of the nature… and it is a natural winner.

The good thing about the golden future of feminism seems to be the fact that there is more feminism in all good men of substance, which they refuse to accept and there are shades of men in all females, which they do not know how to handle. All good men are ‘mothers at heart’ and thanks to changes in the social milieu, we have more good men around. What better news can be for feminism! It is great news that the pristine symbiosis, homeostasis and complementarity between male-female elements are falling back to its rightful place and utility.

The foremost need however is to understand the confusion about the agenda of contemporary feminism. Most women globally perceive feminism as something big and complex and that is why they fail to accept that it is as simple and direct as being a true woman. Feminism is in being than in doing… goodness is in being, not doing.

Every woman of substance needs to understand that the innate element of feminism is first a mind consciousness, which engenders because of the very mechanism of a woman and all entities female in the world. Feminism must not be accepted as a physical and tangible agenda as this shall make feminism a reactionary possibility. We shall explain why we say this.

The women of the new contemporary modern milieu, used to accepting the male worldview of actionable accomplishments, are reluctant to accept that feminism is achieved just by doing nothing but being what they are. Reactive energies are never the end; they are just the initial tool for effecting the commencement of a change. Means cannot and should not be the ends. Once a change is seeded, it needs the soil of receptive mind consciousness and sunshine of poised priorities to germinate the seed and grow it as a beautiful tree. It is time for the feminism-tree to grow big and tall.

Let us understand as why women empowerment agenda is not in doing or undoing but in just being...

The wise of humanity have said it silently, probably to themselves only, still their talks are everywhere and scattered in so many words. The old wisdom is simple, yet very much shrouded in the veil of mystique. The sayer of wisdom words probably could not think about the importance of making the millions understand the inevitability of dualism and a process and mechanism of coming out of it. The ‘arriving’ surely mitigates the pains and purpose of ‘journey’!

It is so beautiful, yet so perplexing! The wise say, ‘Don’t

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