» Short Story » Breathtaking Short Stories, E.L. Asher [popular romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Breathtaking Short Stories, E.L. Asher [popular romance novels .txt] 📗». Author E.L. Asher

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Pick One

Being a mother is such a beautiful thing . But some woman dont think the same. They dont care about their children . Why did they even become parents when they dont like children? Well , therefore I work at the youth welfare office. I want to help the children. I want to protect them. This is my Job. When I see that the parents are unable and when they neglect their childs ,then I act. Totally tired I come home from work . My first view catches the backpacks on the floor. Sam and Nick are back from school.
,,Sam ? Nick ? You there guys ? I am back from work ", I scream till throwing my bag on the table . Why dont they answer ? Typical , sure they are still in their rooms listening to music.
I take one step . Then I see it . Thats why nobody wants to take their work home. Its dangerous . My little two boys are sitting there on chairs . Tied. No ...Please dont .
Mrs.Sealer , a mother of a girl I look after is holding a gun on Sams head. She is an alcoholic , so they took her daughter away to another family.
"So you took my child...So I am going to take one of yours . Your turn . Only one can survive. Pick one ", she says looking at me.


Normal work . Normal day . Normal week. Each day the same things . Each day the same routine. I walked down the floor till cleaning it . As I finished I wanted to go into the storeroom to leave my whisk in there. Totally tired I opended the door. I took one step. I felt like someone pushed me inside. Someone closed the door . Someone put the key in . Someone locked the door from the outside. I was locked . I started screaming and shouting , but there was no one out there anymore. I was totally alone. Who had done that to me ? Why? I sat down on the floor and tried to stay calm. First it worked. I looked at the wall and felt something crawling on my shoulder. I turned my head to the left. There was a big hairy spider sitting on my shoulder. I tried to throw it off , but the spider didnt make a move. As I recognize that this was one of the most toxic spiders ,the spider bit me . I shruged back . Something red flashed from the back of the spider. I focused on the spider. I couldn`t belive what was there. My shock was too big . I couldn`t breathe anymore. It was a timer which works backwards. A countdown . My countdown . 00:03:12 . I had only less then three minutes to live till the toxic of the spider would kill me. I stared to panic . I stared crying , shouting , screaming , all at once. No reaction . I counted the last seconds.

Roses are red, violets are blue , and you blood, is the clue

I work for the Police in the Laboratory . I am a Assistant . My Job is really exciting and it really is the job I always wanted. To summ it up : I am totally happy with my job. You know...I love mysteries . And I love clearing them up . I love being the key to the locked door . The current mission is tricky . Three death bodys were found . Each day one death body. All the Officers think that it was suicide . But I don`t think so. Something is different here. I check the personal stuff we found by the death bodys. All normal . First. But then I saw that all of them have a cup of blood in their stuff. I asked the Officer and he said the first one was sent by mail and put a little cup in my hand . Four.But only three death bodys. I exime the blood to have certainy who owns this blood. I checked the first one the Officer gave me . It matches with the first death body. The second one with the second. The murderer gave us a clue . He send us the blood of the next dead one day before killing him. All was planned . It wasnt suicide . It was murder . The third one matches too. Scared I start checking the last one . No this cant be . This isnt true . I cant breath anymore. I am still shocked.
It is my blood. I am the next death body.
I stand up quickly . But someone pushed me down on the chair again . Then I feel it ...Thorns of a rose pressing against my neck . Straight into my skin. 

Black Butterflies

My name is Cira . I work in a Tattoo Studio since three Years . It was a normal work-day for me , till the police arrived. They showed me some Tattoos and asked me who had made them . One the one picture there was a Tattoo with one little Black Butterfly . On the second there were two black Butterflies. I shoke my head and said that I have no idea who had made these Tattoos. Then the Officer came near to me. ,,Please Ma`am ..The people who wore these Tattoos...They are both dead. First the one with the one single black Butterfly ...and then one week later the second..". Damn ... these people were dead... I had no idea , Everyone of the studio members here could have made the Tattoos ... Everyone ...
"I am really sorry Officer I have no idea ", I said looking at the Officer.
"If you can remeber something just let us know and call " , he smiled. Thougtful I shoke my head again . The Officers left the Studio. I was alone . It was getting darker outside.
I sat down in the chair .
One Black Butterfly , first dead person ...
Two Black Butterflies , the second dead person..
Wait ... I also had an Tattoo... also with Butterflies. Totally in panic I searched my Tattoo. Please don`t ...Please don`t.
Then I found it . There was it. Three Black Butterflies decorated my left arm . Three. Fuck , no . I am the thrid...
I heared the doorbell ranging ... And then everything was dark ...Everything black....

Der letzte Anblick

 Zur Abwechslung mal auch etwas deutsches ;))


Ein Mann sieht aus dem Fenster.Kurze Zeit später ist er tot.  :



Christoph steht am Fenster . Er beobachtet , wie gerade eine hübsche Frau die Straße entlang geht . Ein verheirateter Mann , der hübschen , jüngeren Frauen hinterherschaut. Eigentlich nichts neues für Luise, seine Frau , die schon 20 Jahre mit ihm verheiratet war . Doch dieses mal war alles anders...
Luise kommt spät Abends nach Hause . Sie wundert sich . Normalerweise hört man den Fernseher laufen und ihren Mann, der immer in seinem Sessel saß , Fußball schaute und sich über die Spieler aufregte. Aber diesmal nichts. Totenstille. Schritt für Schritt langsam tappend betritt sie die Wohnung . Er steht am Fenster , er hört sie nicht . Sie stellt sich neben ihn . Nicht beachtet werden , das kannte sie nur zu gut von ihm. Sie schaute aus dem Fenster. Eine hübsche Frau lief gerade die Straße entlang . Er war fixiert auf die Frau ,deswegen bemerkte er Luise nicht . Schon wieder , er hatte es schon wieder getan, er hatte schon wieder einer anderen Frau hinterhergeschaut , aber wie immer nicht ihr. Sie hielt es nicht mehr aus , dieses Gefühl nur Luft für einen Menschen zu sein , der sie eigentlich lieben und bewundern sollte, den sie seit Jahren unterstütze und liebte. Ja , aus Liebe zu ihm hatte sie es so lange ausgehalten . Auf dem Tisch stand ein Messer , sie hatte vergessen es aufzuräumen als sie ihm heute morgen sein Frühstück gemacht hatte. Was tat sie nicht alles für ihn, doch er ? Nichts. Es würde nie mehr so wie früher sein , er würde sie nie mehr lieben und dieser Gedanke zersörte sie innerlich. Sie nahm das Messer vom Tisch, Nichts , keine Reaktion von ihm. Langsam ging sie auf ihn zu. Nichts. Sie stand direkt

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