» Short Story » A Change of Heart, Whitney Shaw [best free novels txt] 📗

Book online «A Change of Heart, Whitney Shaw [best free novels txt] 📗». Author Whitney Shaw

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on horses.


"Who is that," asked Carrie.


"A bad man," Grey Wolf quickly grabbed Carrie by the arm and they went through the back door.


"Brother," said Grey Wolf.


"I know, I see them," said Black Bear.

Carter stepped out.


"What are you doing," asked Carter?


"You know," said Cortez.


"Please leave my land sir," asked the man?


"Not until I get my savages," said Cortez in anger.


"Please, I have a daughter and wife, do not harm them in front of us," said the man.


"Alright, you herd the man Cortez," said Carter.


"I will be back, lets go," Cortez going back to his ship.


"They are leaving," said Carter.


"Good," said the woman.


"We must be going now, we don't want any harm to come to you and your family," said Black Bear.


"Oh, please stay, its no trouble," said the woman.


"No, we must be going, we are very close to our home, come look," Black Bear taking them down in the forest, then they came across a hill and climbed up and looked over.


"See that is my village, my home," said Black Bear.


"Mother I didn't realize how close we really were," said Carrie in amazement.


"Me either," said the man.


"We must go," said Black Bear walking down towards the village.


"I guess we won't be seeing each other anymore," asked Carrie?


"We will," Grey Wolf kissed Carrie on the head and walked towards his home.


Carter stayed with them. As they came down the hill into more forests, they walked through the forest and reached there village. Everybody saw them and greeted them with smiles and relief. They sat down and told everybody about there journey and what they have seen, it was late and everyone went to bed.

Chapter 5

Next morning young Indian boy was playing in the sand on the shore, when he quickly saw a ship on the sea and ran to his village.


The man on the ship was not there to trade, they were there for the women and young girls. As the men arrived in their village they started shooting and taking the women  and young girls, and burning there homes.


All the men were fighting, shooting guns, and throwing tomahawks, trying to help there children and wives, so they pushed them closer to the shore, as they were trying to get them back, the ship turned and started firing from the cannons, all the warriors ducked and ran, they have never seen anything like them. And the ship sailed away.

Carter was sitting on the porch when he heard all the shooting and he ran.


"We have to go after them," angered Grey Wolf.


"No, its dangerous," said Black Bear.


"Are you afraid," asked Grey Wolf?


"No," said Black Bear.


"I know where they are going to take them," asked Carter?


"Where," asked Black Bear?


"To England, to show them to the people, like the did you," said Carter.


"We have to stop them, we have to stop them on the sea," said Black Bear.


"But how," asked Grey Wolf?


"We go behind the ship, because they wont have the time to turn the ship on its side to shoot a us," said Carter.


"We also can join our tribe with another tribe and fill they sky with fire," said Grey Wolf.


"Good idea, lets do it," said Black Bear.


So Grey Wolf and Black Bear went to other villages and went to Kicking Bears and told him what is going on. So Black Bear's warriors and Kicking Bear's warriors all got into there canoes and went out to sea.


They caught up with the ship from behind, all the men were busy on deck, and they put the women under the deck. One woman looked through a small hole in the ship and saw thousands of her people, and another tribe.


As the men were clearing the deck, then the sky was filled with fire, piercing some of the men aboard, they all scattered and reached for there weapons and started shooting.


Kicking Bear yelled "FIRE!" AND they filled the sky with fire again, everybody was injured or killed, and the ship was burning. Grey Wolf pulled himself up a rope that was hanging on the edge and climbed up it, and quickly went and grabbed the women and children off the ship before it all went up in smoke.  They went back and took there women home.


"Thank you for helping us," said Black Bear.


"Your welcome friend," said Kicking Bear.

Kicking Bear and his warriors went home.

Chapter 6

Carter smiled and walked away, Grey Wolf turned and watched Carter leave, so Grey Wolf ran towards him to catch up with him.


"Is she still there," asked Grey Wolf?


"Yes, they would love to see you again," said Carter.


So they walked through the forest and saw the cabin, Mary was sitting outside on the porch, looking towards the forests. Then she saw Carter and Grey Wolf, she got up and ran and jumped into Grey Wolf's arms, they hugged and he put her down.


"I thought you'd never come back," said Carrie.


"I told you I would come soon," smiled Grey Wolf.


Carries parents came out and smiled and invited him, he stayed and ate with them. When they were finished Carrie and Grey Wolf went outside.


"Come on, I want you to see my village up close," said Grey Wolf.


"Mom Grey Wolf is going to show me his village, may I go," asked Carrie?


"Yes, but be careful," said Mother.

  So Grey Wolf took Carrie to his home, when they arrived Black Bear greeted her with a smile.


" Welcome," greeted Black Bear.


"Thank you," said Carrie. 


"So this is my home," said Grey Wolf.


"It's beautiful and so big," smiled Carrie looking around.

  As Carrie was looking around, this one warrior was starring at Carrie full of hatred and anger.


" That man doesn't seem to like me being here," worried Carrie.


" Stay away from him, he doesn't care much for pale faces, don't worry, he won't come near you as long as I am standing here," said Grey Wolf starring at the warrior.


" Why," asked Carrie?


" He knows what I can do, see that scare across his chest," asked Grey Wolf?


" Yes," said Carrie.


" I did that with my knife, he would always want to fight me, so I made him where he wouldn't do it again," said Grey Wolf watching him walk away.


" Oh," said Carrie.


" Come on, I'll take you home," said Grey Wolf.


  So he took her home, he walked her up to the porch and they both smiled at each other. Grey Wolf reached over and stroked her hair, putting a piece behind her ear, then he kissed her. 


" Goodbye," smiled Grey Wolf.


" Goodbye," Carrie had big smile on her face. 

Grey Wolf walked back to his village. 


"So," asked Black Bear?


" Nothing," smiled Grey Wolf.


   It started getting late, so everybody went to bed. It started raining, a bad storm swept through the village and on the sea. Cortez and his crew were on the sea during that storm. It was rocking the ship and water was splashing on deck, men on deck were shouting and running, pulling on ropes and tying things down.


Then the sail ripped, everybody quickly ran towards the sail and started pulling on ropes, then the ship swiped the edge of a boulder and blew a hole under deck, there was water gushing into the bottom and it started sinking. All the men jumped out some jumped to close as it was sinking and couldn't swim fast enough to get away from underneath it, they drowned. Some stayed on the ship as it was going down. Cortez quickly swam towards a board that was floating and got on top of it. He looked around and had no clue where he was he couldn't see it was so dark. 

Chapter 7

Next morning a little Indian  boy and a girl were playing in the warm sand when the little girl pointed out to sea. The boy was not afraid, so he waited until that thing came closer. Cortez got closer to shore, he was laying down on a piece of wood, the boy told the little girl to get the grown ups while he pulls Cortez out of the water. So she ran back to the village and tugged on Black Bears long hair and pointed. 


Black Bear, Grey Wolf looked and saw the boy struggling to get something out of the water. So they ran to help the boy pull  Cortez out of the water. When they got him out they rolled him over on his back.


" Its Cortez," said Black Bear.


" He is skin and bones," said Grey Wolf. 


"Come on brother, help me walk him over to our village," Black Bear picking him up?


"Why," asked Grey Wolf?


"Brother, he needs our help, fine I'll do it," said Black Bear throwing Cortez across his shoulders. 


"But he tried to kill us, now you want to help him, he wouldn't help us, he would have left us there," said Grey Wolf.


"Once he recovers he will see how we truly are, that were not savages, he will see that he doesn't have to fear us," said Black Bear laying him down in his house. 


"What? Where am I," asked Cortez trying to get up?


"Your safe, bring me some food and water," asked Black Bear to the woman?

Grey Wolf was standing at the entrance with his arms crossed.


"What happen to your men," asked the Chief?


" They all drowned in the sea, my ship hit a rock and it started sinking, i am the only survivor," said Cortez. 


The woman came back with food and water. 


" Here drink this, it's water," said Black Bear.


" Thank you," said Cortez.


" You will stay with us until you heal, then you can leave or stay. If you do go back, tell your people that they have no reason to fear us," said Black Bear. 


" Thank you again, when I thought I was going to die? I started to think? the Indians are human beings just

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