» Short Story » Tiffney's life, Bri R [good books to read for teens .txt] 📗

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drove Tiffney home. When they started to get close to Tiffs house she said “just don’t say anything about what it looks like. I just moved here because we are having money problems right now” Amy just looked at Tiff and said that the last thing she would want to do is trash talk a girl about where she lives: when Tiffney heard that she felt more comfortable about the girl dropping her off.
Tiffney once again was shocked. All her boyfriend did for her was get her sent home in tears. Also all her friends did was Ignore her. But 2 people she never talked to in her life went out of their way to help. Tiffney decided she want to know more about Matt and Amy so she looked for her yearbook from this year, that she got because the school had an extra and she was in hospital, and looked in it for them. She found out that Matt was on the basketball and soccer team. He was part of yearbook committee. That’s all she could find on him besides pictures of him and a girl hugging and holding hands. For some reason those pictures hurt Tiffney, she didn’t understand why. It’s not like she was jealous she had a boyfriend. Plus she only talked too the kid once and she was rude to him, she would be shocked if he tried to talk to her again. Then she looked up Amy and found out she was head Peer Helper and she was also in volleyball and Basketball. She then realized that her name sounded familiar. Then she thought maybe she went to elementary with her. Tiffney went to find her Yearbook from 6th grade. She opened the book to a page labeled strong friendship and it was a full page of pictures of people with their friends or boyfriend. When she went through them she decided to change the page she looked really quick at the edge and there she was. Tiffney was there with a guy and a girl on each side of her. She looked closer and saw the girl had a necklace with a heart and a key whole in the middle. She looked closer and realized that those people were Matt and Amy.
She then remembered when she was in 6th grade she never did cheerleading and she only hung out with them they all played b-ball togeather and decided that they would all try out for the team when they went to high school. Tiffney sat there for the rest of that night trying to remember why they aren’t friends anymore. She had no idea why she sat there and stared at the picture and the heading of the page for the rest of the night.
The next day she woke up and decided to go and find Matt or Amy to talk to. When she got to school she didn’t see anyone she usually talks to. She says it as a good sign. Now she could go find Amy or Matt and find out what happened back when they were friends and why they aren’t anymore. She found Amy with some guy walking into the school. Tiffney yelled out to Amy. Amy just looked over then started to walk in the building again. She didn’t find matt all morning till she was heading off to her first class which is what happened the other day. When he saw her he kept walking away. Tiffney yelled out his name and he stopped and looked at her. She started to walk towards him n he just stood there.
She walked up to him and apologized for the way she acted yesterday and didn’t mean a think she said she was just in a bad mood. He said it was ok he understands with everything that was going on with her right now. i then asked him if he wanted to walk with me to class,we started to walk then i got the nerve to stop and ask “do you remember middle school?” he looked at me and smiled he said he would never forget it.
I asked him what happened between the three of them. All he said was that stuff happened we all grew up and went on our different paths. Then he said something about how Amy probably won’t even talk to me ever again. When he said that all I could think was why she is mad at me. When we got to my class he gave me a hug and said it was good talking to you again. We have to do it more often.
At the end of the day Zach came in the room Tiff was in and asked her who Matt was, he saw them hug; Tiff told him he was a friend. When Zach started to snap on her for hugging another guy Tiff couldn’t help but yell out that Matt was nicer, funnier and acted more of a boyfriend then Zach did. Zach got mad and stomped off he had a disgusted and angry face. Tiff just sat there in the back of the room ready to cry. Then she heard Zach start yelling and swearing so she got up and walked to the door. When she got there she saw Zach in Matts face. Yelling and screaming for no reason. She didn’t understand why he was so worried about her cheating on him lately; it was never a problem they had, tilled after the crash. She was so worried for matt she didn’t want him to get hurt because she decided to go off and say that stuff to Zach. She yelled down the hall to get Zach’s attention but he was to busy. She all of a sudden lost balance and started to fall. When she reached the ground she started to cry. She was thinking why everything was happening to her. She was always good and never got in fights with anyone. Then she started to think about Sasha and how she must be having it worse because she isn’t here anymore.tiff and her were always in the same boat no matter what was going on. She was her true friend. Tiff only used her; tiff was nicer to Sarah who wants nothing to do with her. Then she started to cry worse.
After about 3 minutes sitting on the floor crying she heard someone running down the hall. She thought that maybe Zach had backed off Matt and came to help her. When she looked up there was an arm in front of her to help her up. When she looked at whom it was she was shocked when she saw the blood dripping from his nose. She asked Matt if he was ok and tried to help him but he didn’t let her. He just said that Tiff had bigger problems then a bloody nose. He started to walk away then said that he would be right back. When he came back he had at issue in his nose. Then he looked at her and asked why she was still at school she told him that she had to stay after because of all the school she missed. Then she said she also wants wait till after football practice to see Zach for a little bit. When she said that he just looked down and said that it sounded fun.
When he left the room Tiffney looked out the window and saw the cheer team. All she could think about was what life would be like right now if she didn’t go to the party; if she didn’t let Sasha drink then let her drive home. Then Tiff started to think where Sarah was. She said she was heading home with Sasha. If she didn’t get a ride with Sasha where did she. Tiff decided to go and sit somewhere near the field to wait till after practice so she could surprise Zach. After practice he and Sarah waited till everyone left then grabbed each others hand and walked to his car. Tiff really wanted to jump up from where she was sitting and yell out to show that she busted them, but she was so upset she couldn’t do anything. That would explain where Sarah was after the party, and why she was so mad when she was back at school.
For the next few weeks she stayed home she didn’t want to see Zach or Sarah. Her leg finally got better and she got off her crutches she was excited because when she got to the doctors and he said her foot was better she thought he meant she could cheerlead again. But he looked at her and said that she couldn’t cheer again because she has a week back bone due to the crash and with all of the jumping and stuff that they do she could easily break it. Then her mom made her have to go back to school. She was so upset but thought that she was ready to go back and face everything that was going on. So after her doctor got her cast off and they got in the car to head home Tiff decided to ask her mom if she could go see Sasha’s parents. Her mom took her over and they both went to the door. Tiff thought it was weird to just show up at their house but she knew she had to do it.
When she got to the door, she knocked and her mom came to answer the door, when she saw Tiff she just reached out gave her a hug and started to cry. Tiff hugged back and just sat there she knew it would be worse for them if she cried to. Sasha’s mom had adopted her as their third kid they always loved having her around. Tiff also loved to be around them. Even though her mom and dad r rich the were always working and thought they could make it up by buying her things. Sasha’s parents new Tiff better then Tiffs parents did. When Sasha’s mom stopped crying she opened the door and lets Tiff and her mom come in. when I got in I noticed that Sarah was not home. I asked where she was and they said that she had a dance to go to so she had to go get shoes and a dress. When tiff asked who she was going to the dance with all her mom said was a guy with a motorcycle, and he is a football player. Then she said she has his hoodie up stairs.
When Sarah’s mom said Sarah had this guy’s jacket, she started to remember how everyone on the team had to wear it this morning. She decided to call another cheerleader named Amanda and asked her what football player did have his jacket. Aman


Publication Date: 03-22-2012

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