» Short Story » Why Did You Take Them All Alway From Me?, Danielle Petty [best ebook reader for chromebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Why Did You Take Them All Alway From Me?, Danielle Petty [best ebook reader for chromebook .TXT] 📗». Author Danielle Petty

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prayed once again that he wouldn't find us! Chaper 6 Don't hurt her or me! Then we heared someone breathing getting louder and louder! Closer and closer! Foot steps was closer, jonathon came round the corner, he didn't see us when he looked our way but he had our shoes and a part of my dress when i ripped it, he knew we was down here. My sister stood up and jumped on his back to give me time to run, i didn't, i wouldn't! "Get hell of me!" He sreamed in rage and threw my sister across the room she screamed in pain. "Please don't hurt her Jonathon, she didn't do anything to hurt you!" I begged and pleaded but he stabbed her in the hip! She screamed in agoney. I fell to my knee's to her level and said eveything is going to be fine i promise i handed her my phone and whisperd call the police. Jonathon grabbed me and threw me over his shoulders. "your coming with me!" He ran along a hallway i looked to see where we was going, i saw alysha hanging over the banister with no arm and half a face! I screamed in rage and stared hitting his back as hard as i could but i was to weak to stop him. There was police sirens outside the house, i smiled weakly knowing they might find him before he hurt me and any more people. They ran in and saw something that's going to haunt them forever. I screamed help me as loud as I could, they heared and came running. Jonathon didn't know what to do, he smashed a window 2 levels up and jumped out with me on his shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw him come running to me and chucking me over his shoulder again, i looked up, the police was at the window i screamed even more and they left. "Why are doing this Jonathon?" I shouted as he chucked me into his black dirty car. "Because i love you Dannii, i could never hurt you" He roared his engine and drove away. The police was right behind us, he pulled into an alley way and i couldn't see the police anymore. He pulled me out of the car and against the wall. "Please don't hurt me!" I pleaded he let go of me and pulled a knife out, I froze in fright. "I could never hurt you, that's why i'm killing myself, i did all this so you'd remeber me, i couldn't get your attention enough so i did this, i don't deserve to be in this world no longer". He pulled the knife to his chest. " did this and i'll always remeber you as a man who slaughterd hundreds of people tonight Jonathon..I'm sorry for what they did to you in school but...." It was late he plunged the knife into his chest, he fell to the floor. The man who saughted hundreds of teenagers tonight died in my hands i have his evil blood all over me, it will never be able to be removed. I fell to the ground, i passed out. Chapter 7 Why them? I woke up in a hospital bed, i looked around and saw my mum and dad crying beside me, were is Darcie? Whenever i'm in hospital she's always there with me! I moaned to let them know i have woken up. "Aw, Dannii thanks goodness your alive i thought i had lost you" My mum said in tears as she hugged me with force, my dad did the same. "Darcie?" I whisperd lightly. My mum shook her head, "No she didn't make it, she bled to death in the library where you were hidding". My mum said while crying uncontrolably. "No she didn't she hasn't no..." I shook my head constantly, the nurse came in and asked me to calm down. "Alysha Clackington? Sasha Boleved? Paige Noghter? Are they here?" I asked with an urgent tone. "I'm sorry, they didn't make it out the house in one peice, i'm so sorry" The nurse said while putting her head down slowly. I asked everyone to leave so i could cry my self to sleep like i'll be doing every night for the rest of my life. I'll lay in my bed knowing 6 amazing me people i love have left me to fight tis nigtmare alone.... 6 amazing poeple was taking away from me, for no reason, now they lay in boxes under ground in peace. I miss them, it's not right having no one living in that bedroom on the right no more or one sitting and laughing with me at school. It's horrible going to school and no one there but you because they lost there lives on 30th october 2009. My note to Darcie Leigh: It's been a year this weekend without you, the house is quiter without you now, i miss the noise you made with your music and your voice. I miss you sitting in the chair next to me in dinning room. I miss going into you room on the right and telling you to turn your music of! I miss you voice, your help and i miss you. I want you with me now but knowing your in a better place called heaven and knowing your at peace makes me smile sometimes. Gosh it's hard knowing your gone from me, it's hard not having your hand to hold, it's hard knowing i said it won't be your last halloween party, because it was, it was the last nigh i got to spend with you. I only think of the good things we have together at the paty and everywere. I look at our baby pictures every night it makes me smile at how chubby you was. You use to hate me saying that. I just wish yu wish you was here so we could fight that nightmare away together. I miss you my beautiful sister everyone is missing you and wishing you was here by our side again. Love You loads and loads Dannnii xxxx <3
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