» Short Story » You say we're both little people..., TheRoost [books to get back into reading txt] 📗

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coffee shop in Teasdale, Wyoming. I have to; it's the only way I can afford to take care of both of us."

"Well, my inheritance is pretty big," he says slowly, his eyes clouding over as his thoughts tumble in his head, his gum slowly being chewed inside his mouth. "And I live in Chicago; could you quit, move out there with me, and get some new jobs? I mean, it's better than being stuck in a small town with no place to go."

I smile. "I think I like that. But, theres one condition I have,"

"What?" He is smiling at me again. He really smiles alot.

"Tell me your name."

He laughs. "Kaleb. Kaleb Carter. And you?"

I hesitated, and with full determination, cut the final string that tied me to my old life. "Samantha. Samantha Jones."
Step Four: Living a Different Life

Well, here we are again. Still working two jobs, still strugling to take care of a growing toddler, who has just past his first birthday. Still trying to figure out who I am exactly.

And, because of Kaleb Carter, I think I can begin.

It didn't start out that way; in fact, even with his generosity, and his wallet the size of the Gulf of Mexico, I kept thinking on the lines of the final words of my Foster Father. Even though my life has been completely severed from him, I'm still tainted by his memory. At least Brian isn't: one small blessing in a sea of curses.

I still live a mundane existance, though it is far more exciting with the hustle and bustle of Chicago. Today for instance; I woke up this morning at about five am. Sometimes, I stay in bed for a little while, watching Brian sleep, listening to my alarm ringing curtly on my night-stand, like I did today. After shutting off the annoying sound, I gazed at my dark blue walls, my crisp white borders, my apple-colored door that leads to the small hallway in the apartment I help keep in order, and my other two red doors, awaiting their jobs side-by-side in comfortable silence. The sounds of trafic and pedestrians, that once used to keep me tossing and turning, try to lull me back to sleep, but when that happens, I jumped out of bed and run to my closet. Today is Sunday and, I realized with a slight jump, my birthday. My real birthday. I put on a unusually sexy black skirt and a dark, plum purple blouse. My hair even gave me a present by not being in it's usual untaimable state; I was able to easily curl it and, when I gave a final glance in the mirror, the reflection of a stunning girl with wicked eyes and curly chesnut hair grinned back at me.

I walked out of the bathroom smiling and Kaleb was sipping the coffee I had timed for exactly this moment; 5:45 am. He gave me a glance, a nod, and a double take as he took in every visible square inch of me. I noticed the soft snores of Brian in my bedroom and Kaleb and I stared one another down. Eventually he shook his head, wearing his trademark grin, and sipped his coffee, his eyes daring to sneak looks at me from behind his newest book.

Usually I would cook my breakfast (a banana with whole-grain toast and nutella), Kaleb's breakfast (a bowl of cereal, chopped peaches on toothpicks, and a cup of coffee) and Brian's breakfast (mixed fruit), and then prepare all of our lunches. Then it's off on the 6 'o clock bus to the center of Chicago, where I work as a waitress at a popular restraunt from 7am to noon. Afterwards I would take a lunch break (still eating the crappy lunch I made in that small town) on the bus back home to replace Kaleb as babysitter from 1 'o clock to 5pm, when he works with his father on construction. When he comes home, I go out to work a second shift at a different restraunt and usually don't get home until around 10pm. I then get everything ready for the morning and hit the hay around 10:30. On Sundays's, I try to apply for a secretary job so I could watch Brian and still have a constant pay-check. Then I can at least take community classes when I'm not organizing my boss's crap.

Today, though, was a different day. My birthday landed on Sunday, which was not only my day off, but I had no job interviews. At all. So, I'm going to treat myself to staying home, catching up on TV, doing my nails, and making Kaleb work his butt off all day instead of me. Woo hoo.

So, instead of rushing to get my breakfast down, I walk lesiurly to the counter, giving Kaleb a wicked grin. His eyebrows immediatly shoot upwards as I chop fruit for Brian. I actually try to whistle while mashing them up, causing Kaleb to go into a fit of laughter.

"Why are you so chipper?" He teases, getting up slowly to get Brian.

"It's Sunday," I say simply, the grin staying stubbornly on my face. Good for me.

He cocks his eyebrow once more before disapearing behind the wall. "And you usually busy yourself with interviews. So, I ask again, why so chipper?"

I laugh, and realize he knew me almost as well as Mrs. Monroe did. Creepy.

I shrugged. I had already told him last week that today was my birthday. Why should I tell him again? Let him figure it out. "I don't have any schedueled today."

"Wow, the workaholic actually takes a break," He came back into the room by now, Brian held snugly to his chest. As Brian is plopped into his high-chair, Kaleb adds. "Cheers to that."

I raised my coffee cup as the television blasted out the theme song to Jersey Shore. Ew.

I felt a soft thump next to me and I heard a small gurgle as Brian eats his mashed fruit. "So..."

I am just channel surfing now. "So..."

And, just like that, Kaleb kisses me. On the lips. With no warning.

And this was an amazing

kiss. Fireworks erupted as our lips moved in syncrinization. My eyes closed on their own accord and I was swept away by the feeling of his lips on mine. Complete bliss filled my being. I was happy, for once. Truly, immeasurably happy.

When we parted and my eyes opened, I saw his beautiful, wonderful blue eyes staring into mine, a small smile on his lips as he placed a stick of gum inside his mouth. "Sam, you don't know how long I wanted to do that."

I smirk, giving him a quick peck before jumping up to check on Brian. "And did it meet your expectations, Mr. Player?"

I felt his presesnce behind me as I glided through the kitchen, watching Brian eat what was left of his breakfast. "It was so much better," He whispered as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I leaned back into his chest, smiling up at him as he continued to hug me. "And Sam?"


"Happy birthday."

Step Five: Adjusting to Sudden Changes

It didn't really matter that, at first, he was just an annoying gum-popper in the back of the bus. It didn't matter that, for a year, we just friends living together while I got back on my feet. All that mattered was that kiss...

And the proposal that came 3 years later, the wedding 8 months after that, and the 2 happy years that followed.

So, that means Brian is 6 now. He is a perky, rosy-cheeked angel. Like me, he has a slender build with underlying muscles. He has sparkling green eyes, unlike my dark blue, almost violet ones. He has my personality and doesn't even remember my ass of a foster father. He knows that I am his sister, and that there is no hope in ever really knowing our parents. But he thinks of us as parents, none-the-less.

And I wouldn't want it any other way...except with the knowledge of who we really are.

Right now, it's about 7am. I have a soild job as the private secretary of Donald Trump. Aparently, my husband's cousin has some very powerful friends in very high places. At least I am payed well, respected in the workplace, and I have time to actually go to community college. My engagement ring and wedding band sit, almost idly, on my left ring finger. I gaze at them, as well as our small family portrait that sits on the fireplace, with the deepest affection. My brother, Mike, and his wife and kids are coming over to New York to visit: aparently, he wants to see the nut who would marry his sister for himself. At least, that's what he said in his letter.

The smell of coffee fills our New York flat, and I hear Brian stiring in his bedroom, as well as Kaleb. I hide my smile as I stir his coffee, with mine already in the portable cup. Brian's breakfast consisted of a glass of milk with chopped apples and whole-grain toast with Nutella spread. My morning breakfast is a blueberry bagel with cream-cheese and coffee.

Kaleb comes in and picks me up, twirling me in the kitchen. I start laughing, kissing him repeatedly. He smiles and sets me down, starting in on his cereal.

"Well, your in a good mood this morning," I comment, sitting next to him, a smile on both our lips. "Why is that, darling?"

He gave me my favorite grin. "Because I live each day with you and the little monster."

I rolled my eyes, my lips finding my coffee. I knew it was hard for him, moving with me to New York from Chicago, having to find a company his father owned to run, just so he could keep his inheritance. And helping me raise Brian, well, that could just drive any sane man insane; but not my man. Maybe it's because we were both a little insane to begin with; maybe it's because he loves me so much, just I

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