» Short Story » Creative Writing Short Stories/Prompts, Kayla Weber [small books to read txt] 📗

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pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans with sparkles in them. I put my clothes on and blow-dried my hair. I put on a light coat of eyeliner and mascara. I added a touch of lip gloss and grabbed my socks and shoes. I checked JoAnn’s room to see if she was getting ready. She wasn’t in there so I headed downstairs. She was sitting on the couch putting her shoes on.

“I’m going to stop by the bank and grab some money so we can have something for lunch,” I said as I sat beside her and put on my own lime green and purple fuzzy socks and shoes.

“Okay,” she responded, standing up and stretching. I stood up as well and headed for the door. I grabbed my coat and went out to the car. JoAnn followed me out and got in the passenger side. I went to the bank and grabbed $50 for lunch. We had half an hour to get to the airport. It was an hour away. I drove out south of town and got on the interstate. I sped all the way to the airport and made it just as the flight was unloading. We waited as Mom and Dad unboarded. After they got their things, they met us at the gates and we hugged and cried because we hadn’t seen each other in almost three weeks.

“We had so much fun, but I missed you girls so much,” Mom said, in tears. Dad nodded his agreement and hugged us really tight. After that, we all went out to the car and I drove us to a nice restaurant for lunch. We ate and talked all about their trip.

“The island was beautiful. There were birds flying all round in the sky and the ocean was a clear, bright blue. You could see the fish and other sea creatures swimming around. We went scuba diving and snorkeling with this other couple. They were really nice and we hung out with them the whole time. They have kids about your ages,” Mom went on with the details of the trip. She talked about it for the whole hour we were at lunch. When we got back in the car, she drove and turned the conversation to us. “What did you girls do while we were gone?”

“Kayti started dating a boy,” JoAnn blurted before I could speak. Mom glanced at me in the rearview mirror.

“Really? Is he nice?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I looked out the window as we drove the rest of the way home, blocking out the noises. I thought about Eric and a future I might have with him.

Daily Prompt #3

“Thank you so much ma’am!” the woman said as she clutched my arm, frightened. “I would have been squashed by that bus if it hadn’t been for you running out there to save me.”

“It was nothing,” I said, blushing and trying to get away from the crowd. I had acted on impulse, not wanting her to get killed, but also not thinking about the crowd we were drawing with the whole endeavor.

“Oh deary, what can I do to repay you for saving my life?” she inquired. I blushed more and shook my head.

“Oh it’s fine,” I said, ducking my head and tried to pull away. “It was nothing.”

“You’re a lifesaver!” someone shouted from in the crowd. News travels fast because as they said that, a news van pulled up.

“Breaking news, a teenaged girl just saved the life of this older lady!” the news reporter pointed to me and the woman. I tried to break away, again, but the reporter came over to talk to me. “What’s your name ma’am?” She shoved the microphone in my face. She, and everyone watching, waited for my reply.

“M-Megan,” I stammered. “Megan Stockworth.”

“Well, Megan, you’re a great gal. Not many would have done that. What went through your mind? Why did you jump out in front of the bus to save her?” the reporter asked eagerly. It seemed as if everyone was leaning in to hear my reply and I was feeling a bit dizzy.

“I didn’t think. I just k-knew that she needed my help.” I shrugged and looked at the ground.
    “Remarkable. You’re an amazing person. Such a role model.” the reporter said to me. She turned the camera from me to the older woman, and I was finally out of the spot light. I waved a small goodbye to the woman I had saved and pushed my way through the crowd of people. I broke through the crowd and immediately felt so much better. Standing there, in the middle of everyone, made me feel like I was locked in a box. Now that I was out, I felt like someone had opened that bock and set me free. I rushed home to do my work. The whole way I was thinking about what those people had said. Was I really a lifesaver? Did I have the confidence to save someone? I thought I might, but being in the spotlight about it made me nervous. Maybe someday I would be able to get used to it. I was like Batman, saving lives while in the shadows. It sounded cool, and the thought stuck with me as I got home and did my chores before eating supper and going to bed. As I shut off the light to go to sleep, I smiled. Maybe I really was amazing and a role model; shy, but a role model nonetheless.

Daily Prompt #4 (Valentine's Day Story)


“This sucks. I wish I had someone to be my Valentine.” Jewel, my BFF, sighs as she walks down the hall. Well, more like she glides down the hall because she’s the most beautiful person on earth. Yup, I’m totally in love with her. I want to tell her, but I’m too scared that she’ll shoot me down. “Josh! You’re not even listening to me!”

“Sorry,” I respond, giving her my full attention, “What were you saying?”

“I said, this sucks. I wish I had someone to be my Valentine,” She yells, right in my ear.

“Uh huh,” I whisper, overhearing a couple exchange luv you’s and gifts. I glimpse a girl’s phone as she types ILU to, I assume, her boyfriend. I hate when people don’t spell it out, but I guess it’s not any of my business. I glance at Jewel and sigh. She is as beautiful as her name suggests. We settle into a comfortable silence as we shuffle to our first hour. We have five out of eight classes together, not including lunch, which we also have together. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jewel straighten her hair and stand upright like a pin. I search the halls to see who she has spotted. All of a sudden Ethan appears in my line of sight. He’s gigantic at 5 foot 8 inches tall. He always wears a black v-neck t-shirt and washed out jeans or jeans with rips in them. Today he’s sporting the ripped jeans and the black shirt. He’s also sporting a huge bouquet of roses and handing one to every girl that passes by.

“For you,” he says, handing a rose to Jewel and winking at her. She practically melts into a puddle at his feet. I scoff and keep walking. That boy is so popular and he makes me mad. No, this has nothing to do with the fact that he’s everything that I’m not. He’s tall and handsome; I’m short at 5 foot 3 inches tall, and I have glasses. I bet he has 20/20 vision because he’s so perfect. I wish that I could have that effect on Jewel. I dream of the day she straightens her beautiful hair and stands straight like a pin for me, but that day will never come. We reach first hour and I head to my seat, still thinking about Ethan’s effect on Jewel, and how different and awkward I am compared to him.

“Okay class. The day has started. Let’s open your books. The assignment is on the board. It’s due tomorrow.” With that announcement, my Chemistry teacher, Mr. Gifford, sits at his desk and props his feet on the table, pulling out his newspaper. He does this almost every morning. Occasionally he will actually teach us enough that we can do the eight assignments that he assigns for the rest of the week. I spend the entire class period staring at Jewel from the corner of my eye. I’ll do the homework tonight or tomorrow morning.

“Psst. Josh!” Jewel whispers, trying to get my attention.

“What?” I whisper back.

“Are you free tonight?” My heart skips a beat, but then I figure that she’ll just want help on the homework.

“Yeah, why?” I sound completely lame because it’s Valentine’s Day and I have nothing better to do than go home.

“Can you help me with my homework?” I nod, figuring that’s what she wanted. She would never go for a guy like me, only in my dreams. “You’re the best!” She returns to her attention to her desk and starts to write something on a paper. I lean over a little, trying to catch a glimpse of what she’s writing. She sees me trying to peek and she snatches the paper away. I grin and lean back over to continue staring at her from the side. The rest of the day drags on and every time I step out into the hall, I’m bombarded with couples saying I love you and giving each other gifts. I rush home at the end of the day, texting Jewel that she can come over at five if she wants to eat supper with my family.

“Hi mom! I’m home.” I holler when I get home. I go straight to my room. I’ve got a great plan, but I’m super nervous about it. I want to ask Jewel to prom. We’re seniors and this is the only chance I have because we’ll be off to college next year. Plus, since I have to wait to do my homework until Jewel gets here, I have time to work on the poster. I already went to the store and bought some candy to go with the poster. I also bought her a Valentine’s Day gift, but I didn’t want to give it to her at school.

“Knock knock.” My mom says as she opens the door.

“Yes?” I question.

“Do I need to set an extra plate out for supper tonight?”

“Yeah. Jewel said that she will be over around

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