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and into his eyes as he spread his arms out, eagle style. With no one to save him, to one to stop him, Cameron Fox said his last words.


"Let's fly."




*The Next Day*


"Thanks for letting us sleep over Jamie." Issac said as they cleaned up their mess from last night's party. Jamie nodded then heard the phone ring, everybody stopped when he went over to see the Caller ID, his eyes widen as he answered.


"Yes? Hello?" Jamie started as he listened to the man on the other line. As everyone walked towards him, leaving the bags and a little bit of the mess, Jamie began to shudder, quiver, and sob. "No, no it can't, it can't...DAD!"


Mr. Moore, father of Liam, heard his son cry and immedately ran to him and took over talking to the man. "Yes? Oh, hello Officer what can I do for you?....what?"


Everybody looked at Jamie who was now crying, his newly-found boyfriend, Issac, tried to comfort him but he seemed to cry only harder, apologizing to who knows. All knelt down and took turns rubbing either his arm or his back.


"Jamie, what happened?" Tamara asked. No one spoke for a while, silence conquored them all. It was after Mr. Moore hung up on the phone did he break the silence.


"Cameron dead."


No one cheered or cried, they just simply...couldn't believe it.


Cameron Fox, walked away, flew away.


From them.




*Two Weeks Later, Cameron Fox's Funeral*


All came, all didn't want to for the guilt they now have but all came none-the-less. As they listened to the Priest resting their now deceased friend to the Afterlife, six men lowered the casket which had the body of Cameron Fox onto the ground.


They all took turns mumbling their apologizes and shovling dirt onto the casket. They went too far, they had all walked away from Cameron, tormented him, left him alone and now they all paid the ultimate price.


The death of their friend.


Even Liam felt guilty bullying him and told Tamara the truth which made her mad but she was too sad and felt too guilty to hit him or yell at him for her usual long period of time. Jamie cried on Issac's shoulder who was crying as well, as Lucas, Elijah, and the rest of the gang all stared down at the grave as if Cameron will soon pop out.


One by one, everyone placed flowers and/or pictures of Cameron and them before paying their respects and walking away. Soon, everybody left except for them.


Tamara knelt down at the grave and sobbed, her hair back in a ponytail, and her clothes covering most of her body. She cried and cried, apologized, apologized, but she knew and they knew, it won't bring Cameron Fox back, nothing will.


"I'm sorry Cameron, we broke our promise." She sobbed as they all heard thunder and rain started to pour but they all ignored it. They deserved the pain they are going to have for the next few years. The promise they all kept once before, now broken, they all shattered Cameron Fox just for the popularity of being someone.


Cameron H. Fox, the boy who finally...


Walked Away.


Flew Away.


Into the sky, where all below cannot see or hear him ever again.

The Choice



This is your choice. What will you do?





The horror plays like a melody over and over

All I see is terror, all I hear is the cries of us people

There is no hope left, There is no where to run

Death will get to you sooner or later

This is our time

Our time to go

Our time to die

No matter which path you take

Death will come and greet you

The choice is your's

Face the fire of the enemy

Or jump




Mr. Connor Maxwell has lived in New York since his birth in the early 1980's. Now 33 years old, Connor Maxwell has no idea he was about to face Death itself in the eye.




"Do you have to go to work dad?" Daniel, Connor's eight year old son asked hugging himself around his dad's leg, not wanting him to go to work. Daniel was a small kid for his age but a quick thinker and runner for being eight, Connor was proud of his son and he always will be.


A chuckle escaped from the man's lips as he ruffled his son's blonde hair which he got from his mother, Liana. Connor picked his son off from his leg and settled him on his hip, his arm wrapped around his little waist. The man placed a gentle kiss on his son and smiled.


"I will return son, and when I do, let us go to a ball-game, I hear the Yankees are playing against the Red Sox," Connor promised bouncing his son a bit making him giggle. "And after, we can go to Tutti Fruitie, you're favorite icecream place."


Daniel smiled and nodded at the plan then was set down so Connor could kiss his wife good-bye. Daniel made a face of disgust making them chuckle in amusment. All three embraced and Liana whispered in Connor's ear making him nod. Connor used to be a selfish man, thinking of himself before others but ever since his son was arriving on earth, he had a sudden change of mind and heart and not everything and everyone revolved around him.


"Good-bye my family, I shall return soon." Connor called out, holding his breif-case in one hand and waving his hand with the other. His family waved back with smiles on their faces as they watch the man of the house departe from their house and off to work at the Twin Towers.




Working at the Twin Towers was never a bore to Connor cause the majority of his childhood friends were there to help entertain him. He did not own Twin Towers nor did he manage it but he was widely recongized and the boss just loves his hard-work, determination, sense of humor, social skills, and new and improve ways to settle documents and things need providing.


"Ah, Mr. Maxwell," Mr. Fredrick O'Donald exclaimed, embracing his friend/employeer with a hug, clapping his hand on Connor's back. "How is that family of your's?"

Connor laughed and together, with their arms over each other's shoulder, they walk towards Connor's office which was across from Fredrick's own office.


"Oh they are just great and I swear Daniel has grown a few inches since the last week," Connor said, feeling a sense of pride. Fredrick smiled widely and nodded. He knew what it was like to be the smallest of the class and in the family and now he stands an inch taller than Connor who is well built at being 6'3". "My wife told me to tell you, to tell your wie she enjoyed the lasanga dish very much and is looking forward to another get-together we do on Fridays."


Fredrick smile got wider and his eyes beamed with excitment. "I shall pass on the praise and we shall be there. Same time on Friday, same meal, diffrent desserts". The two laughed and kept on the conversation until they reached Connor's office where they departed from each other and Connor opened the door to his office and began to work.




As work moved on smoothly and might I admit, slowly, we all head down to the resting area to grab ourselves a cup of coffee and cookies to munch on. As we talked and laughed about, we left a shook. Thinking it was just one of those "accidents" we went about out business.


"So, what plans do you have with your family Mr. Maxwell?" Mr. Sean Carter, a neighbor and client asked Connor who laughed and explained about the baseball game. "Oh what fun, I'm taking my daughter dress shopping. Can you believe her Quinenera is here? Oh god, I don't think I can bear to see my baby girl a grown woman."


Sean Carter was the only full blood Mexican with an American name in the building, his daughter, being 15 meant she was a full grown woman, it brought tears to his eyes, for a father to see his baby girl grow was one of the hardest.


"But, know me well, I will not let her date until she is well 18....or maybe 30." Mr. Carter joked as he and the rest of the workers laughed along.




The loud noise and the shaking ground went on and on. This worried Connor. Getting up from his desk, he looked out his window to see two helicopters coming straight towards them. Odd. He doesn't remember any documents about a deliverly.


Then, it strucked him.


As the helicopter came in closer and closer at full speed, Connor ran out of the office and towards the right side of the room as far as he could. The copter didn't looked damaged but the next thing nerved them all.


From outside, the man inside the helicopter pressed a button and out came a missle bomb, destroying a large portion of the building. Cries and shouts reign through the building as the men and women inside all tried to run for their lives.


Horror settled in Connor's eyes as he watched his friends cry and flee. More bombs destoryed the building, glass shattered everywhere, cutting people as they used their arms to shield their eyes. Finally getting up, Connor stumbled towards the stairs but was stopped by another bomb blocking the way.


He was stuck.




Running around trying to find a way out, Connor took out his cellphone and speed dialed home, if he isn't to come back home alive, his family should have the right to know that they will be safe and he loves them.


"Hello? Hello?" He asked as a voice messanger picked up instead of his wife or son. Cursing under his breathe, Connor sent the message. "Hello, my dearest wife and son, I am sorry but I will not be able to make it back home. We've been attacked and their is no way out. I just want you to know that, I..."




The explosion deafens his ears as the vibration made him jerk away from the phone, unable to hold his balance and get back to finishing his message to his wife. Breathing heavily, Connor's world seemed to turn and play in slow-motion. Screams and shouts were now becoming distant as his mind began to race.


There was no time, time has moved both quickly and slowly. No matter where he chooses, death will come and greet him with open arms. Closing his eyes, Connor's mind replayed all the wonderful times he had with his wife, son, and friends. This is the end.


Exhaling his last breath, Connor did his best to ignore the explosion and the rumbling trying it's best to bring him down on his knees as he ran towards the un-shattered window with all his might. Covering his face with his arms, Connor jumpped.




The time was 10:28am and the cops and firefighters were roaming around the destruction the terrorists had made. Bodies were still being found, none were even close to being ressurected let alone alive.


Mothers, childrens, wives, friends, brothers, and sisters all looked over at the massive destructive mess with tears falling down from their eyes as some of them cried out in agony and dispair as they watch a relative, friend, or a lover being dragged out of the rumble by the cops and firefighters, a white blanket covering their whole body

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