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of their responses; “Clara, that ‘thing’ will ever remain a scar if you don’t do away with it now. Of course if there is anybody you would want to remember, not that idiot”. “Clara, there is this man I know, he is skilled in
the act of ‘evacuation’. If you make up your mind, I’ll take you there tomorrow”. “Clara you have two options, discard that child and be free or keep the child and remain sad all your life”. Interesting advices indeed but what is your opinion Clara. She alone can decide my fate. God can only advice her to let me be but cannot force her against her will. ‘O! I wish I could talk from here. If only she could feel my pulse. It beats fast’. The lamentation of an unborn child.

18th March, 1980

Clara went to sleep like every other woman. As usual, she said a little prayer and slept off. Right in her sleep, she dreamt of me. Before her were two scenes. In the first scene, I was a child of two. She was so happy to have me in her arms. She watched me as I grew to become a child she was so proud of. I became a public figure and I was being invited for several events. But in the next scene, she saw me as I was being taken away by a strange hand. As the strange hand forcefully took me away, she begged and cried. Finally she sprang out of bed. It was exactly 5am, 19th march. Then she started crying. She wept because she had nursed the idea of discarding me. On this faithful day, the 19th day of March, exactly four weeks and five days after the sowing, Clara made one of the greatest decision of her life and that was, ‘to do everything in her power to keep me.'


What a relief! My life was no longer in the hands of Clara but in the hands of God. My fingers were crossed waiting impatiently for the set time. ‘Will that time ever come?’ I pondered. Clara had made up her mind that she was going to remain a single parent until the right man comes. Clara became the topic of the day in her community. People who knew her scorned her; ‘I thought she was always claiming to be a nun or maybe she is pregnant of the second Jesus’. ‘Guys I told you, these people you think are quiet are the worst kind of snakes I have ever seen’. ‘I always knew that Clara was a harlot. There is nothing hidden under the sun’. These were some of the scorning words that were rained on Clara. Everywhere she went she was made a laughing stock.
In all these, Clara did not despair because she had seen something she was willing to die for than to spend the rest of her life not having. Clara was more concerned about the baby much more than what anybody had to say.
As for me, I counted my pulse hoping one day to see my kind.

A few months later

It was the set time for my release. Clara was in labour. She was taken to a nearby hospital. It was not too long the prison gate was thrown wide open. I thought I would just swim out or better still, walk out of the prison gate but yet I could not. The commander gave an order to Clara to push harder. In a second I wondered who this commander was. He had a thick coarse voice, ‘at the count of three push. 1-2-3 puuuuush!’ whoever did the pushing I knew not. All I knew was that I was out at last though in the hands of the commander. That bothered me no bit anyway. After all for the first time I can see the light. O! I wept. I’m sure they wondered why I wept, tears of joy of course. If only they knew what I went through these uncertain days. In my heart of heart I whispered, “FREE AT LAST”.

26 years on

Three years ago I graduated with a first class in Theatre Arts from one of the leading universities in the country. I majored in directing and currently, I have successfully directed 3 movies one of which was nominated for an academy award. I am sure you are eager to know who I am. Don’t worry I chose to remain incognito. Hey a minute please I think I have a call. “Hello mama, how is papa? Mama please give me a minute let me explain something to my viewers”. That man I just called papa is what you may call a step father but I refer to him as my Papa. He is a non-residential missionary. One more thing, he’s a great man. “Aha! Mama are you still there?” “Where else will I be my son if not there”. “Guess what, one of my movies has just been nominated for the academy award”. “O! My son I’m so proud of you”. “Mum I’m also proud of you. You died so that I can live. You are a true mother. I’m so happy to hear your voice. My regards to
Papa”. “Ok my son. Make sure you come for dinner on Friday”. “I will ma, bye.”

No child is a biological accident. As long as it is planted in the womb, it has started living like every other being. And like every other creature, they have a mission to accomplish. They are created to make impacts and if you discard them, their quota will never be contributed. Are you currently having a baby in your bowel and you are seriously considering aborting it? Please don’t, no matter the reason. It has the right to live just like you. Act rightly so that this world will be a better place. SHUN ABORTION.


Publication Date: 01-30-2009

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to all the babies in the womb yet unborn.

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