» Short Story » HIDDEN MOMENTS, Romeo Fredson [good beach reads .txt] 📗

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She exhibits a whole lot of loving kindness, she is full of peace but she has a strong character that stands for her rights. She never allows herself to the defeat of others. When she is right about something but misconstrued she does not take it easy. Well I will also say that anytime I am around her I feel very comfortable to tell her anything about myself. I spend every time in my day around her. I always want to learn of the difference in her.

Before I got around her, I have wished to have a friend like her always. Yet she was a friend to another. And before this friendship, I had a friend who wanted to be my girlfriend. She said one Saturday evening, “Romeo I came here because of you, I want that we be friends not only friends but more than friends.” Then she said, “Romeo I love you and I want you to love me also.” By her words I was dump and I could not answer her that moment so I told her I would think about it. The following day I told her that about what she said the day before I can`t carry that through. I said to her, “Princess I can`t do this, my heart is not in this and so I don`t think I can.” She did nod her head that she agreed. But later people came to me telling that they have seen Princess crying for what have I done to her that she is weeping. “We know that she is your friend and just arrived yesterday, and today she is crying. What have you done to her?” So I went out to see for myself what they said. Lo and behold, there many girls outside the girls’ house shouting my name. I went closer to hear that it was the same story I was been told. Quickly I called Princess and I asked her is it because of the answer I gave you why you`re crying and she admitted it. Very young I was by then and I was also considering her feelings and not mine as well. I did not think about the long term effect of this incident so I told her okay, if it is accepting you that would make you happy, then I do love you too. It seemed after that everything came down to normal. I made her stay very comfortable. I was almost always around her. When she called for me I went. But after her stay was over and had to leave for home, I gave her a goodbye hug and told her to study hard for her exams in school. Then she left. Well earlier of her stay, there was a little problem again; the problem was that an issue from another girl came up. And that was she said, “Romeo woa ye me adea” in our local language (Twi) meaning I have done her something wrong. I asked what she meant by that and I was told that she proposed to me where I accepted. But the only thing I know was one day after church she told me that I depict a picture of her friend Paa Kwesi and I always remind her of him. She conveyed this message to me after Teresa came telling me that Teresa wants to talk to me. I told her I was glad that seeing me reflect some characters of her friend makes her happy. I also said to her that it has always been my prayer to make people happy and not to make them sad. Then she asked if we could be friends and I said yes. So when I heard the news I confronted and reminded her of the statement she made to me on that faithful day. “Can we be friends?” I never liked the idea of her trying to make a big deal out of nothing. I spoke to her telling her how I liked her but as a friend and as a sister in the home. And if she had wanted something she could have told me and not making me feel bad about her.

After Princess left, for like a week I wrote her a letter telling her how I wanted to make her enjoy her stay and that was the reason why I came back saying yes to her proposal. After the letter got to her and I got a feedback woo… it was a worse she could not study hard for her exams. At school all she did was to cry. For a whole month she learnt nothing but wept as if she had lost her parent or a loved one. Then there I got the heat and realized I had made a mistake and I had put myself in to a great mess and I have to find a way to solve this problem.

So I did not write back knowing that writing won`t solve the problem. After my final exam that took place (B.E.C.E.) I went to Adenta the elder youth home that is where she resides. Arriving at the place I knew it would not be easy to approach her but I had to, and I did. First she would not allow me to speak to her but later she did after I asked some of her friends to speak to her for me. Speaking to her I made understand that she could not be very happy when I would always pretend to love her. And I want her to understand that even though she might think that I am too young I still understood love more than she understands.

Love comes from the heart and does not pretend love is always ready to be with anyone. Love is the only thing that respects both old and young and does not reject the poor. Anyone who is love is blinded by his opponent’s faults. I told her that I am not willing to make her suffer my lose and she must understand that I can`t continue to make a fool out of myself. But she must keep her head up high to look for another friend who would be able to offer her what she needed. Final all I pleaded for, was for her not to note me to be a wicked person. I also told her that it doesn`t mean that we were enemies; she could still come to me for anything she needed.

For some time she had it very difficult to understand me but persistent talking with her and being with her made her to get to know what I meant better. But still thinks of what I did as something she cannot forget. Even till this day anytime she thinks of that issue she could not take it in. well then I found this girl I spoke off earlier (Arabella) she had a hard time with her life. In her relationship she is worse than any other relationship problems I solved in my life. All her boyfriends never fulfilled their promises. They had taste for other girls and regarded her as less because she does not give in to their sexual desires. She stood firm not to give in to them. But currently with the one she is with, he doesn`t talk to her frequently or ask about how she has been or if there was anything wrong with her. But she always feels the edge to ask of him.

Her life was so miserable and she always wish that God would give her a companion that would accept her just the way she is and not for sex. When I got closer to her it was because of one thing, I liked who she was even though the rumors that she is a devil and being wicked fled in to my ears I put death ears to them.













I began to understand this figure when I allowed myself to get close to her. When I stood with her through the times when people scolded at her she began to tell me her life story. Really God has been with her till this day. She has buried a lot of hatred in her towards people who had sexually abused her. She told she would tell me a very personal story and that before she tells me I should promise that I would not live her even if I get hurt by the story. But since I have already grew fond of her I promised to not neglect her and that we could still be friends.

Then there she told me something tragic one of which I never really expect to happen. She was raped by three young men one day when she was sent on an errand. She was very small and could not defend herself, she struggled but they were stronger than her. Shouted but no one heard her. I was very grieved when she told me. I was about getting up before she finished the story. But she was much worse than me so I sat and listened to her finish it. It was about time has to go to their house (girls` house) with the other s and the mother for the girls house. That night after everything, before, she left I told her that it was a tragedy but that would not destroy our friendship. I told her that I was going to help her deal with the problem and take the hatred out of her heart.

It pained me as well but the Bible teaches us to forgive those who wrong us. So my aim was to help her forgive her memory and those who did that to her. I asked her if she has been diagnosed to see if she was still safe. She told me that honestly she did not tell even her care takers about it. She only got to secure her life here in Kinder Paradise. She has been taken through some tests to show that she had no problem.

After some time together, she asked me a question, she asked me why I haven`t been that remorseful like people use to say. I replied her saying," I guess it is because you know me better than they do." With more time spent together I told her that I had always wished to have her as a friend but by then she was my best friend's girlfriend  and I did not want to get into their way. She laughed when I told her that I was very happy to have her as a friend now. I guessed she understood what I meant that was why she laughed.
   One thing about me was that I never knew how to propose to a girl I did not have that courage to do so. And now I like this girl more than the word like. She knew that I was in love with her, so  how was i going to tell her that i love her. This i had no idea of how to deal with the situation.On the 30th of December 2010; she asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. With such an approach I became so astonished to answer and she said," it`s okay if you want to be my boyfriend because I will accept you into my life as more than being just a friend." I couldn`t answer her. i just told her to give me the night to think about it. After that night she assured me that I can be her boyfriend, I went to bed practicing how I would tell her I would not left her think false of me. I kept practicing until I felt very tired and went to sleep. The following day which was the 31st of December 2010, when the girls had come over from the girls` house to have devotion and breakfast as well as spend the day at the boy’s house,

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