» Short Story » 1D - 1 Shots, A lot of People [poetry books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «1D - 1 Shots, A lot of People [poetry books to read TXT] 📗». Author A lot of People

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we broke into loud screams from.

"What do you seek?" Wanted to know his sister Waliyha.

"My sanctuary, the hair spray can, without them I'm in a fix!"

"In my bag I had a perfectly acceptable life preserver for your hair," I pulled out a metal container that Zayn conjured a grateful smile on his face.

For a few moments the room wrapped in pungent steam and gave a perfectly styled Zayn Malik award.

"Then nothing can go wrong, it's not so bad out there," the voice of Liam struggled through the retreating fog.

With a loud "thank you" Zayn disappeared on stage. Also in me a slight restlessness was spreading, but lay down, as "Let Me Love You" worn by Zayn's soft voice came over to us.

His performance was also accompanied by loud applause. Full of expectation we waited for the verdict of the jury. It took an eternity until someone said something.

"Can they opt out!" Complained Doniya and I could not wait for the vote of the jury.

Finally, Louis Walsh began: "Yes", Nicole Scherzinger also agreed and even Simon Cowell had the appearance like.

Zayn had done it and we broke into loud screams from.

Crash in hospital (from HotMetalGirl ♥)


There I sat, surrounded between an oversized Wolverine and an old, rickety box. I had my foot on the newspaper table shipped, so me and the old woman had the same times blamed.

I'm so sorry that I had to put it up, but whatever. Whoever so stupid crashes down the stairs, he's foot skin is broken ...

Sullvian Romy, I called and was finally sent to the X-ray. Since today seemed to be full Hospital (people were standing as to pain or what?), The nurses were busy, of course.

So instead of chauffeured me with a wheelchair through the area, I hobbled along the corridors. Since then I still had to dodge an oncoming bed, I tripped over my own feet and fell into someone's arms.

>> Yikes, not so stormy sweetness! <<, Announced a male voice above me. Has just called me sweetie?

Once I was back on two legs and a "savior-from-the-floor" could look at it I was speechless. That could not really be true now!

>> You all right? << He asked me and looked deep into my eyes. Ne certainly not, so do not ask so stupid! And because I always had a shitty day, I snapped him accordingly at first:

>> No! You know I am this morning, nice first up the stairs, thanks meienr mother fell down, because that had hounded me like that. Then lets me cold here back in the hospital because they would rather go to work than to support me. Then I can also hobble through the gears, because to me no mercy and allowed me then even Anhörn "sweetness" of a wannabe singer! << I raged and he looked at me totally perplexed.

Oh you want to know who is standing before me? Let me think ... Curly, brown hair, green eyes, belongs to this shit boy band One Direction and goes by the name of Harry. Yes you heard right!

Harry Styles was standing in front of me! Why am I not freaking JOY BEFORE? Because I HATED it! Why? Because he was a wannabe womanizer!

>>Thank you also << I snapped the still confused Harry and walked away dramatically. Or hobbled. Unfortunately I did not get very far with my luck and popped beautifully against a door that went up in the moment.

>>Ouch <<, it escaped me and I rubbed my aching nose. At least she was not bleeding and did not heal.

Oh >>, << have not seen you said since then a blonde Barbie doll, apparently a nurse and looked me up and down with a contemptuous glance.

After Harry had discovered behind me, she began to grin.

And >> where you have to go? << She asked with a "sweet" girl's voice, brushing a strand of hair from her face.  should come across as sexy? Choke!

And HELLO! I*m here too? Unlike me, Harry seemed so pretty healthy, so what was he doing here? Broaden its territory, for his hunting area was too monotonous? Sarcasm Hurrah!

Somewhat surprising that I went off on the day that. Usually I was shy ... Oky caught the wrong day!

That was creepy even that Harry was watching me all the time, rather than images this plastic doll. And that seemed to bother quite a bit. Haha!

>> My friend has injured her foot and I accompany her to the X <<, he said, hooked in and ran with me, I limped away.

Yeah to finally help! Momentmal he had just said girlfriend? Only sweetness, then girlfriend. Now he had gone too far! SIMPLY NO ONE CALLS ME HIS GIRLFRIEND!

>> Why are you looking so angry? I just wanted to help you! <<, He was dismayed by himself after he saw my angry look.

More >> I think you wanted to help yourself. What I can not understand at all! << I was sarcastic back (since when I was so sarcastic?) And limped away without deigning him a second glance.

>> That's not true. Now wait a minute! <<, He called after me. Er ... first, what itched it? Well maybe it störts the ONCE NOT the same as a girl in Ohmacht much because of him ...

And secondly, why should I wait for HIM? He wanted something from me! And I was always slow way, so he could easily catch up with me!

Earth Styles MY FOOT WAS SCRAP! Yes I led here talking to myself ... It went downhill with me ... Since he came also eventually be but wobbles and held me back.

Evil I looked at him and hissed angrily, before he could speak:

>> I want now only for X-ray and then get out of here! So chatterbox me not to! <<

I hobbled and he hooked up with no warning again to help me. You why he did it? He did not realize that I was annoyed?

And >> what is this here now? << I asked him slightly surprised.

Dire >> help! <<, He replied tersely.

>> Ah, but if I do not need help! <<

He just looked at me amused, but said nothing. I surrendered and let me support him. After all, I needed the help. Thanks Harry, I was, without prejudice to the X-ray room and a nurse transported over me on this table to X-ray the foot.

After I was done, I was allowed to take place and wait outside. Harry was still there, but nothing, thank God. Since there but eventually got bored me, I asked him:

>> Tell me why you're here? <<

>> Does this mean that I may speak again? << Was his counter-question and an amused smile appeared on his lips.

Yes >>! << I growled, and he laughed. I liked his laugh. It made my heart beat faster ... Wait a minute, I had the idea for? Evil! Go away! Hopp!

>> I have an old friend of mine visited! << He finally answered my question and I looked down. I could feel his eyes on me and was slightly red in the face.

Man, I hated the guy actually!

>> What is your name? <<

Astonished, I looked at him. Is yes, he did not know that.

>>.Ehm  Romy <<, I brought forth, and saw him again in his green eyes.

>> And what you have against me? << He said, laughing. I've wanted to fix for a reply, but was interrupted by a cell phone ringing. It was Harry. He went off:

>>Yes ? ... Okay ... Yeah, I'm coming ... << Bye, his brief answers before he hung up and stood up.

>> I'm sorry, but I must go! Can we meet tomorrow again? <<, He asked me hopefully. Shit damn heart, listen up to speed it up! You tell me!

I want nothing from this ... Ass! Because I just looked at him surprised and did not answer, he continued:

>> Morning at two clock down by the lake! I'll wait for you! <<

And then he was gone. Ehm .. Okay? He seemed to really want me to see again ...


>>What  should I get dressed Sophie? << I asked desperately, standing in front of my closet. Yes, I had decided to go to the lake. Why? Because I was damn curious ...

>>Take the white summer dress! << Sophier gave me the answer and I moved to said dress. These strappy sandals, hair down and understated makeup.

>>Thank you're the best! <<

>>I  know! And now go! You are, after all injured and have only twenty minutes << she returned and said goodbye.

Oh yes, my foot was not broken, just sprained. Therefore, association and crutches. At least I could fit inside the shoes, but my outfit did not look very nice, combined with crutches.

I hobbled to the two columns to the bus and drove to the hospital. Then we continued along the road to the lake, which was nearby. u

and there he stood. The sight and thought I was going zngehaun! Okay, maybe that was just my disturbed sense of balance, but oh well.

When he saw me, he smiled at me and as I stood in front of him, I brought only a
>>Hi  << out.

>>You came  << he said happily and I nodded shyly. He had stuck a flower in his hand, which he gave me, instead of me to press into the hands behind my ear.

I shivered at his touch and inhaled its wonderful fragrance. Shit, what he had just done the day before, that my opinion of super macho asshole on romantic, hot guy had changed?

Phew, its eyes alone made me melt ...

>>Would you  ice cream? <<, He asked me smiling and I just nodded. He disappeared and came back with two ice creams.

We made ourselves comfortable on a blanket, which he had brought and ate our ice cream.

>> How's your foot? << He asked after a while.

>>It is what it  <<

 I continued on the lake in front of me.

>> Why are you doing this? << I asked. THe question haunted me since the day before.

>>I  do not know because I want to meet you simple? <<

I looked out of the corner of his eye, as he smiled at me. My heart beat faster automatically. He wanted to get to know me! Can you believe it?

>>After  as I was on it yesterday? << I asked confused and looked at him. His green eyes looked at me with amusement.

>>I have you just caught on the wrong foot <<

Pun! We both started to laugh. We sat for a time on the ceiling and talked, about his and my life. He was not so bad as I always thought.

When the iceman came by again, he picked us up again a EIs and sat close beside me this time. We ate in silence the ice. A tingle shot through my hand as he touched them.

I was slightly red in the face and when I looked up, his head was very close. His beautiful eyes pulled me in its spell.

He came closer to me and stopped just before my lips are. I was really nervous and I just wanted to, that he kissed me. His breath on my Hauns and made me shudder.

He saw me still in the eye and then suddenly lay his soft lips on mine. I

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