» Short Story » Tales of the Many:, Nicole M [series like harry potter TXT] 📗

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yourself.” He said, setting them down, and outstretching his hands to me.
“C’mon, I’ll help you sit up. This is the only couch in this room, and I want to watch a movie.”
I grabbed onto his hands, and he tried to pull me up. It hurt very badly. But I eventually was pulled into a sitting position, as he plopped himself down next to me, and grabbed the remote.
“Hey, he barely stabbed me, why does it hurt this much?”
“You got dirt in it.”
“How? I was wearing a jacket.” I looked down, to notice my jacket was gone. “And what the hell did you do with my jacket?”
“When you came flying out of that truck, it kicked up some dirt and dust. It was bound to get to the wound. And it’s in the washer, there was vomit and blood all over it. I also cleaned out your stab wound a little too, I bandaged up your stomach.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I kinda did. It would’ve gotten infected.”
“Blah blah blah.”
We sat there, he watched tv, a show I had never heard of before. And I sat curled up, and rested my head on my knees.
“How long have I been out of it?” I ask
“Uh, about 16 hours.”
I look up at him, “16 hours?! Have I been here overnight?”
“Well yeah, I got you here about 5:30PM yesterday, and it’s almost 9:30AM now.”
I groaned and let my head sink back down onto my knees.
“Won’t your parents be.. Worried?”
“No.” I groan, “My boyfriend usually makes me stay with him over night.”
“Your parents allow that?”
“They don’t like it. Neither do I, but if I don’t stay with him he gets angry, or smacks me. So it’s taken a lot of begging to talk my parents into it. He’s destroyed my life.”
“Aside from never being home, because of that my dad thinks I’ve screwed him dozens of times. When I haven’t at all. And don’t want to.” I pause, “I haven’t been at school for 3 and a half months, because he wants me to stay with him. So I’m like a drop out now. I have no more friends. I never see them, he won’t let me, and I’ve seen one or two friends at the store, but they only stare and walk away. I’ve lost a butt ton of weight, I used to weigh 130lbs. Now I weigh 97. And this is the most sleep I’ve gotten in the past 2 weeks.” I decide to just stop there.
“Do you have a job?”
“No. He won’t let me. I’m too scared to do anything, he’ll yell and hit me for the stupidest reasons.”
“Does he have a job?”
“How do you guys pay for things?”
“His mom. If they don’t give him the money he wants, he yells. And she doesn’t like him yelling. His dad died shortly after he was born.” I raise my head some.
“Where do you stay, if you’re barely home?” He’s paying more attention to me than the tv now.
“Sometimes, I stay in his room and we share the bed. Or I sleep on the couch in his moms living room. But mainly, we stay in his car.”
“You sure do know how to pick them.” He sighs.
“Hey! I didn't know he was like this before he and I dated! I didn't ask for this!” I raise my voice.
He stays quiet for a few minutes. He’s facing the tv screen, but his eyes are down, staring at the floor. What is he thinking?
“So, when I drop you off, you want to be brought to… Your boyfriends?” He guesses.
“No. I want to stay away from him as long as possible. When I leave take me to my home. He won’t know if I’m home, or wandering the streets, Plus, I miss my parents, I miss my little sister. I haven’t seen them in 3 weeks.”
“How old is your sister?”
“Too you for you.” I chuckle. “She’s five. Her name is Ebony.”
“I've never had any siblings.”
“You’re lucky. If you’re around them all the time. But.. I guess because I barely see her, I miss her.” I trail off.
It’s silent for the next 5 minutes or so. He stands up. Extends his hand.
“C’mon, lets have a look at that wound.”
I grab hold of his hand, and he lowers himself down, putting my arm around neck. His left arm, around my waist, helping me keep my balance, and walk to the bathroom.
I think I can stand on my own and keep my balance, so he lets go of me. I’m startled at my reflection. My hair knotted up, dirt smudged on my face, a small cut on my cheek, bruises surrounded it. I examine my ear. It’s scabbed up, tiny bits of dried blood are on my neck. The now-destroyed piercing, was sore.
I tugged my shirt up, about 3 inches above my belly button, and managed to unhook the wrap that was around me.
Once uncovered I could see tiny grains of dust, sand, and dirt that hadn't washed off. There was a pretty decent sized scab to the left and about an inch above my belly button. Bruises also surrounding it, all different colors. Blue, green, yellow, purple. I’d say the blade had gone about 2 inches in. The slightest touch hurt badly.
“Yikes.” He leaned on the counter beside me.
“I used to be pretty.” I say, out of the blue.
“I dunno, you’re pretty cute all bruised up.” He laughs.
“Oh get real.” my face twitches.
I can feel tears swell up in my eyes, but I force them back, as he wraps the giant bandage back around my stomach.
“You hungry?”
I hadn't even noticed the emptiness in my stomach. I could almost hear it scream out of pain and starvation. I hadn't eaten in 3 days.
“Starving.” I try to keep my balance and walk at a steady pace out to the couch again.
He walks to the kitchen. And pulls out a box. In it is pizza. He brings it over.
“Is it okay cold?” he asks
“Yeah.” I grab a piece.
I ate 5 slices. He ate 2.
“When are you going home?”
“Tomorrow. I’m sleepy.”
“But you just slept for an eternity.”
“I don’t give a damn. I’m still tired. So I’m sleeping.” I groan. I’m not a happy person when I’m sleepy. Heck, I’m not a happy person at all.
“Okay.. But I’m going to wake you up around 3 or so. We can go find something to do. It’s boring here.”
“What if he’s out there?”
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” He leaves the pizza box on the table by the couch, just in case I get hungry again.
I plop down on my side, yelping at the jolt of pain through my stomach, though not as bad now, since it’s full of food. He threw the covers over me, and sat down on the floor in front of the couch. He was watching tv, and I was on my way to a dream.
The First Time (Written five years ago)

Trembling with fear, I lay there, frozen, paralyzed, too scared to move, in only my bra, and panties that Marlana bought for the occasion. That bitch. She knew I wasn’t ready, she knew I might get knocked up, but she didn’t give a damn about me, all she cared about was getting her money and getting what she wanted. It was like that for all of us. Lucky for the others, when they turned 18, they left, or got kicked out. Marlana didn’t like the thought of any prostitutes over 16 years old, 18 at the most. Girls were always doing the usual, getting the shit fucked out of them, luckily only one of us got knocked up. The guys were forced to help hold the girls down the first few times, holding their heads in place, to prevent damage, if the girl tossed her head too much trying to break free, and they were also ordered to cover the girls mouth, to prevent too loud of screams, unless the guys wanted a screamer… But usually that wasn’t until the girl had been fucked many, many times, to know that if she screamed for help, she would be beaten, or killed, and either no one would find the body, or her death was made to look like an accident..
At that time half of the group had gone off on their own. And I had started my period for the 14th time in my life, I always kept it a secret from her, so I could be spared a little longer, but she started noticing when Venom took a little more money than he was supposed to. He was supposed to get a meal for us, and that was it, but he snuck me pads, and she found out. She allows a girl to have her period four times before they’re put into prostitution. Anytime before that, they were either forced to watch, by another one of the guys holding them in place, or else they would do her dirty work. I always had to work for her, I didn’t know anything about how it would feel ,or the fear, or pain. But I soon found out.
The man stripped down, Venom was the one to hold me down, he offered to, and he knew I would scream, so he covered my mouth, and held my head with a tight grip.
The man was in his mid 40’s. His name was unknown, only Marlana knew her customers real names. Although, he liked to be call thrasher.. Take a guess at why that is. The bastard.
He was tall, and had a beer belly, he had a beard starting to grow, and his hair was slicked back with gel. He walked over to the tiny kid bed where I lay, and he leaned over me, and smiled.
“You ready to meet thrasher?” He laughed.
“Don’t taunt her, just get this over with.” Venom replied.
“It’s hard not to… She’s just soooo pretty.” He smiled, touching my cheek and brushing back one of my brunette curls. At that moment I shrieked into the palm of Venom’s hand.
“Oh, a screamer..” He almost growled.
“just get it over with!” Venom almost shouted.
Then there was silence.
Thunder cracked, above us, the clouds turned the sky black. It was early in the evening, this was thrasher’s alley this week. He’s always moving around, just incase the cops found him. He’s got a record. No one messed with him, he would chew them up for dinner in a heartbeat. And there just happened to be an old kid bed, that was low to the ground and lumpy with springs that someone had thrown out.
He touched both of my legs, near the ankle, and I kicked, only to see smudges of dirt on the skin. His hands were filthy. Talk

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