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This is a short story revolving around a girl after her parents die. I can't really think of anything else to say or else I'll spoil it... Yeah...

Hi my name is Kayla, and I love to write books. I wrote some but they got taken.

Suicide, was it really? For Latta her grandmother's death is too much to comprehend. She slips into the darkest regions of denial and ultimately slips away.

Willow is a teenage girl who lost her dad in a plane crash and is currently dealing with the effects that event had on her including depression and suicidal thoughts.

Three glimpses of life and action in three different location. Includes the titles The City, The Storm, and The Show.

"Three, two, one!" And the evil soldiers attacked their enemies, the Good.

During the Thompson family's outing on the National Mall, they meet young Jonathan, only to discover that he is lost. Before long, the family befriends little Jonathan and is deeply embroiled in a desperate search for his missing Grandfather.

Roxy Pinsgoty can't believe it's already been a year since she's lost her little girl, who died in a horrible accident on her birthday..After turning 9 her life ended...