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A soul’s trove of stories. Twenty-nine of ’em, running the gamut from sci-fi to human interest. Horror, humor, philosophy, madness. And a special treat for all you cat lovers.

This chapter is in the view of Liam Dodger. Liam, throughout the chapter, struggles with identity issues. He wonders where his place is, where he really belongs. He drifts between the popular crowd, back to his usual childhood friends. Liam also faces family disputes- his disappointing relationship with his father, Blake, and some other surprises he would never have guessed. Liam can't shake his father's roaring anger. Somehow, he wants to stay away from it all himself, and not follow in his

The end of an empire is only the beginning of an epic rebellion that will save the future from even greater destruction. (Please comment, including suggestions.)

The institution is Rose's life. She has never bothered to imagine the outside world. Until she over hears the conversation of two other girls planning an escape. Will Rose escape, or will she be trapped in the facility for the rest of her life.

Angie. Cynthia. Ella. Three strong, female protagonists. One story. Angie, a Native American from Canada, moves to New Jersey with her tribe. There, Ella and her buddy, Emma, befriend her. Meanwhile, even Cynthia, the supreme goddess of Angie's tribe, is going through unusual times in her realm. This story will certainly change the way you look at the world.

“I am unable to understand what you want?” “Please return the documents, I had deposited.” .

One post from the multitude of insanity at I don't expect stars, but I'd love your opinion. :)