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Short, short story in 300 words about one woman who touched the lives of others.

This is just a simple story about a man in a trench coat, a man in a suit, and a hobo who sits and watches them every day. Suddenly one day, the man in the trench coat disappears. Read more to discover what happened. *The book cover was not created or edited by me in any form and/or way. I own only the text.*

James William went to visit his uncle, Timothy, who was dying soon. He goes over to the hospital to visit him, and he hated his uncle though. As he talks more and more, his life's mystery nearly comes to the end.

Prayer brings boldness, peace, property and focus to our lives. Everybody can derive the benefits.

I've love a story with a twist. I want to write something that will make the reader want to close the book and still keep thinking on it. I try to build characters that readers want to learn more about. Is this a good person, an evil person, etc. Hopefully the story carries the reader into discovering who these people really are. But in the end, I always try to put a twist on things.

This is for the "sing a song" contest. I love the Strokes and I love this song. I hope I was able to do it justice because it is one of my favorite songs.

The 2013 tournament started with a blitz round played at the University of Stavanger on May 7th 2013. Rounds 1-8 were played at Hotel Residence; the tournament was arranged by the Foundation Norway Chess. I made my own maneuver to win this tournament; I have prepared everything for my destiny in Chess. It's supposed to be the last achievement that I could take that's why I'd dare everything to make it mine.

the world ends differently for different people.