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Genre Short Story. Page - 127

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The villagers united themselves to fight against the unlawful activities of the village money lender.

i grew up in Texas and for awhile i thought my only talent was to herd farm animals on a horse. i loved literature so much and read anything i could get my hands on my parents told me i should try my luck writing and it worked!

This story is for the short, short story contest and only contains fifteen words. It is a story about nature, about the rain and the sun, and rainbows!

Do cats ponder? Do cats reminisce? The musings of an old feline on a windowsill during a storm.

A short story adopting the theme of violence and abuse as well as dysfunctional family relations. It consists of much moral meaning so I hope you like it.

Dwight was in love with his wife, the separation was too hard on him, after a few years of marriage and a girl named Elle he felt lost for the first time in his life. Ann was still in love with him but she knew that their love deserved a second chance.

Well, I guess this is me trying to describe myself. I wonder if any of us truly know who we are, or if we would be able to love ourselves if we did.

In this story, a man is very poor. He works for a man in a wood shop. He daily goes to find good wood and bring them to his master. He finally decides to find people and start his own business. In the end, what will they be? Find out.