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Genre Short Story. Page - 133

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When Morgan returns to her grandfathers mansion, she finds more than cobwebs, and dust.

Live is to short to let it pass by. But only if you are close to the edge, you will under that lives goes on and on. This story might help you to turn back from the edge.

This is second part of book called "Box on my doorstep". In this story I explain how it all began and what happened later. I got inspired to write this after got followed around by some men.

The sun is shining bright and he is thinking about the woman of his dreams. Would he ever experience true love?

This story is about a Christian girl and her mom, sailing on the Titanic, and risking their lives for each other. This is the first original book by Amy Lockhart.

The caution board is put on the entrance gate to prevent the entry of thieves. .