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The incompetent Danny Treehouse wakes up to find himself in a terrible zombie infested world. Danny has to find his way around this nightmare land and see if he can save the day.

this is all about the great movies you should see.CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The newlyweds couple are trying to make a plan for their honeymoon, there are so many places that they want to visit. But life gives them so much things to do, they find lots of obstacles just to be together for a moment. Can they finally rest in a peaceful place as they want?!

Memory Chip, a short science-fiction romance story about love, betrayal, manipulation and technology that can be used or abused. Copyright Magenta Pixie and the Nine. All rights reserved.

read it, read it, read it, and ill love you more and more :D Unless you don't fav, and or comment -.- lol Love Ya'll Peaceeee and stuff

Everyone fears death What if it was your friend who wanted to kill you? What if the person you fell in love with was a vampire? Would you join him in eternal corruption? What would you do? Life goes on, But what if life goes on too long

She joined the army at her husband's suggestion. One he would come to regret. There she learnt to be strong and stand up for herself, rescueing her from a cheating husband.

My travels on Dec. 24th, between Rifle, Garfield Co., CO, over Rocky Mtns. to a country village, and then back again, all in same day.

my entry for the drabble contest. One essay and two poems, the last of which I wrote while in High School.