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This is the tragic story of Maive Roe, the only daughter of Lord McQuillan, who still haunts the North Tower in Dunluce Castle, Northern Ireland.

No longer being entered into "Paint Your Picture With Words" Sorry but its just going to be on here for ya to read!

this is all about a girl named rhea who enjoys and loves her family a lot! unless and untill she gets to know she wass adopted and starts developing a hatred feeling for her parents and brothers but a dream a single dream makes her love even more strong for them ...!

Jerome Spellman, the simple schizophrenic in Grace's eleventh grade class, acts like an extra in a B-rated horror flick - Night of the Living Dead. Grace prays for a miracle, while Dr. Rosen, the school psychologist counsels, “Think positive but plan for the worse.”

Absentee doctor had prescribed bad medicine to a patient, who consumed it and became unconscious. .

Just when that big girl aged 14 thought her life was hard Callie and her family notice something outside something strange but what will happen to every one?

Kanta loved her brother more than anyone but she decided to sacrifice his life to save a would be bride.