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It starts off as an average day for an average girl that takes her to the heights of elation...but will it last?

If oyu want the fll effect of this story, listen to this while you read it:

She tried not to think of umbilical cords and fetal heartbeats.

The wind swept the tattered rubish along the cracked road, all was silent, all was dark. Lingering within the grafitted buildings hid the children, the weak. Outside gang war raged, this was a different time, all left was children. You died at the age of sixteen, nobody knew what happened, you just disapeared without a trace, one second you were there, then next gone. It all happened in a blink of the eye, the people aged over sixteen collapsed to the floor then faded into nothing, animals

This is the story of Ragul, a 14 yr old boy who did his schooling at Vivekananda Matriculation School. He was an average student and was very lazy and simple by his character. He had very little friends.