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Genre Short Story. Page - 140

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Shayla and Dana made a pact at the age of 9 that they woudn't have sex and get pregnant until they are in college. But when Dana breaks that pact will they still be friends?

Members will discuss on the agenda and at the end failed to arrive unanimous decision.

The people we meet up in our lives. They come, they go. Some stay for awhile, some stay forever. But, who is the only one truly to share your entire life with ???

A witch who rules all? whos being hunted by...hunters? and a spell that brings her out of her body and allows her to reak havok.

Simple in the attitude and humble in the nature will gain respect in the society. .

This is the story of Lisa who moves into this spooky neighbourhood and she is bored with the place but he meets this really hot guy and she never wants to go anywhere else but longs to spend the rest of her life with him!!!

A boy is born into a war between the shadow people and the outsiders. He is the savior that the prophecy predicted. it is his duty to save the shadow people by fighting in the war proving to be a key essence and stealing back the sun.