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To be or not to be is not the answer but it's to be aware of what lie ahead because the truth will prevail and all that Is lost will come to.

It was summertime when I saw Dallas for the first time. I moved here with my dad and my brother Jimmie. Life is getting hard since my mother made a decision to leave us. We had to leave without her because she was never really there for us. Anyway, I have to start my brand new life here. Like it or not, I need to keep it rock and roll...

Mavis Calhoun, who works at the Shop Rite Supermarket, believes that she and Harry Wong Smith are twin souls. She shared this intimation with the teenager recently in a mad gush of esoterica and Harry, too smitten with her infuriating loveliness, could hardly disagree.

Bullies are such a headache. How to fight back?

His eyes tell of a love that lingers within his soul, a love that has lasted over 400 years and is on-going, forever.

The documents clearly reveal that he is the only rightful legal heir of the property.

My hands are tied. There is nothing I can do but watch you die....

From the collection of Transcending Nine about a nine year old girl and the impact of one year of her life.

“Darling, how was her performance? Did you like this?” “Nice! It was a daring dance.” .