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Eagle wing is not happy of still being in prison until a strange thing is thrown into his stall with him. It wants to escape..and needs his strength and brawn. Jordan is thoroughly mad. Being thrown in prison was not one of the ideas that was supposed to happen. then works out and decides needs Eagles help. whether or not he wanted to help.

The thoughts of a teenage boy before he takes the thrill of his life.

According to Hasidic tradition, everyone must have two pockets, so they can reach into the one or the other, according to need. In the right pocket are to be the words: ‘For my sake was the world created,’ and in the left: ‘I am dust and ashes.’

three short stories that may or may not be used in future books. A man in jail for a crime he didn't commit, a woman visiting her mother in an institution and a man coming to his high school reuinion in the hopes of seeing "that girl". More stories to be added as I think of them.

Listening to creepy sounds at night and smelling blood in the air can disturb even a strong heart. Invisible changes can disturb the harmony and peace also.

this book about girls who wants to be normal but find that being different and being themselves feel and is more beter. I haven't uploaded in a while but I wrote this book when was like 11. I am just trying to get my name off of google. So yeah. This is an awful story. Not only the underdeveloped plot but the grammar.

This short novel of a book will grant you 3 wishes 1.To know what kind of things your trying to get 2. The best ways of getting it 3.Just Listen This guide will literally let you know the possible things you can do on that certain night that will only happen once year 31st OF OCTOBER

Friendship and what friendship really means . If your friends entrust you with a secret then that secret must be kept.But if that friend is telling you things like they want to die then it is your responsibility as a freiend to get them help they so need. For often when they start talking in this manner they are beyond helping hemselves any longer.Be that friend you say you are and save their life even if it means losing that friend for in time they will thanjk you when they become well and

How do you resist a superior race bent on your destruction?