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Prague & America during the communist era before the Berlin Wall fell. A love story between a young American and a Czech girl, made difficult, even dangerous, because of the political situation then.

John takes his long term girlfriend on vacatioon but leaves something behind that he will regret.

Chains. When I first open my eyes I see chains. Chains with bones, chains with teeth. The ground is hard and there are fluffy things around me, pushing me away from the warmth of my mother. Everyone stares at me, like I am something rotten that needs to be discarded. He heads toward me- I don’t know who he is, but he is coming toward me-, and when he is close enough to hear my breaths, he slips a chain around my neck. I have a padlock, its shiny metal mirrors my face. I have a light shade of

This is the story of Venus, a crested-doxie, and her newly found famliy. This whole story is based on my dog who we named Venus because of her heart shaped spot on her forehead.

When preparing to travel, one must choose a destination,plan for sightseeing, secure possibly a hotel, airline tickets and a rental car. Thomas,however, doesn't have to prepare for anything!

Seventeen year-old Fanny Jackson, who works aisle three at the ShopRite market, wants to become a twenty-first century mystic – a supermarket Sadhu.

dark love It is a night of death, a song of ethereal pain, wolves vent their loneliness. The eternal one wakens.

An nursing home inmate, hallucinates about his dead wife and recognizes the deteriorating state of life he now inhabits.