Genre Short Story. Page - 151
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Relationship with people can be cruel, just because of the nature of human beings. A bond with a cat can be purer, especially both of you are young. Harshness of not knowing comes out in a child. Even worse if you are not an equal to that child. Intent in the relationship is good but real treatment can be brutal.
Lux is finally returning to school after four months of juvy for beating up her ex who was harassing her friend Skylar (Pixie). She is glad her life is returning to normal, well as normal as it can get after a heated conversation between her and Pablo weeks before. She hopes to just keep him away from her without spilling blood again. But when lunch time rolls around and he’s heading straight for her will she be able to avoid another disaster?
The unnamed writer talks about his life and his surroundings while at a doctors office. One thing that he finds particular is a young woman in the same room. Everything might just not be as it seems (for more mature readers, some may find it more offensive than others but is not explicit, just expressive)