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Killing came natural to Victoria, and why shouldn’t it? She was a vampire after all it was in their nature. To prove herself worthy of her clan her father gives her a task to kill off the head vampire hunter’s son. Can Victoria follow through with the task? Or will things become too complicated.

This is about a girl. She is a nerd. You know the drill. She has glasses and braces and is bullied by the dumb blondes. The only different part is she is smart blond with only glasses. Read this and know what happens.

How did Grandpa afford that new car in 1925? The hidden truth lies in a lost picture at the bottom of a box

Short, short story about what happens one night when the monster decides to finally come out from under the bed. The boy and his family will never be the same...

Zoe's Life.Parents want her to be a vampire,but shes not sure. Then her sister,Brianne Tells her More

"Anywhere In the World but Here" The world isn't perfect, but you should always make the best out of today because tomorrow isn't always promised.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhif you are in to friend ship and high school this book is for you by shannon keenan

Written for Past Loves Day Contest 2009. I've never been religious, but it's funny how prayers work out sometimes. It's amazing and sad at the same time, but still it won't make me believe. How a relationship awakened thoughts on religion and life.

These "stories" (if you will) are just Random Little Things inspired by stuff I : A) read B) heard and C) just popped in my brain (DO NOT OWN ANY BOOK, SONG, OR ANY OTHER REAL THING THAT IS WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK, thank you)