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When Winter Dark Moon stayed in her classroom and things started coming alive

When two kids want to know more about their history, they find thieves, witches, and mysterious events. Isaac Smith is no ordinary man. He is an accomplished theif, who one day steals his greatest find yet. Set during a time of finacial trouble and superstition this is a great story for anyone looking for a good, quick read.

Trip Canceling Excuses is a humorous flash fiction where 5 friends plan for a trip and then each cancel the outing for strange reasons. This is a funny story written by Biswajit Ganguly.

A set of short stories on present scenarios... a common graduates outlook

Look into the eyes of the tramp what life hides behind that glassy look? A modern twist on Greek mythology which entwines the worlds of gods and men.

Little girl was unhappy with the doctor as he was not examining her mom’s sickness.

Frustrating, isn't it, the choices that we make? We're neither happy of our lacking of patience, nor are we happy when we are patient.

A boy named James Towe discovers a secret cave on the edge of his small, quiet town.

A metropolis of millions. Two young people and a fateful encounter that would change both of their lives.