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My first ever contest entry! Don't be mean :( Axel is launched into the life of a moon spirit without choice, and he strives to be human once more. But at what cost?

Jack's day got worse and worse. He had been looking forward to a first class flight to Canada but it wasn't meant to be.

What happens to a young girl out on the hills on a rainy day

The world is devastated. After nuclear war the land is lawless, and slavers roam the countryside looking for the unlucky. Once they decide on someone, they will never stop until they get them. Sort of a "teaser" or an introduction to the series.

A Buffy fanfic that features a previous Slayer who lived in the 18th century. Rhianne, the Vampire Slayer is hell-bent on revenge......even if it means her death at the hands of a most deadly foe.

Have you ever had a bestfriend? No I don't mean just people. Dogs, cats, birds, ect. Has your best friend died and left you with a broken heart? If so read this story of a dog named abby.

Sometimes it is best not to discover whats at the end of the rainbow.