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Romance in Mobile I sent several mobile messages to my girl friend replied in a beautiful romantic message. .

After 26 years of separation, a family is reunited under the most unusual circumstances.

You have liberty to amuse your close friend only when he is in good mood.

About a teenaged girl who got rape and is going through depression. One day she goes to school with despair and meets a guy..Should she be scared?...or thankful? [ 1st book is LOST- FINDING MY WAY]

I’ve just got back from Tokyo, where I was honoured to be invited to give the keynote at Agile Tokyo 2010. Agile conferences have a short history in Japan – both Agile Tokyo and Agile Japan are only two years old – and there was a real buzz of excitement, with lots of smart people (280 delegates attended) and interesting conversations.

I wrote this story to celebrate transplant week. It is about a young man who gives the ultimate gift.

Emilie was a strange little girl. She had a very special gift: she could see and speak to the dead. She had a terrible home life, her mother wanted nothing more than to get rid of her. On one fateful night, that's exactly what happens.

College... a time for debates and odd friends; for forgotten tasks and misplaced notes; for open conversations with people you thought would never understand. Two girls from opposite sides of the spectrum come to the realization that they can live together without having to agree on their views on life, death and sexuality. Well, until they get out of college that is.