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Alex has a very mysterious past, so in this adventure, he goes back to his hometown of Millvale, Pennsilvania. While he's there, he returns to the church that he grew up attending, and finds that evading his past is harder than he thought.

A modern virgin, her understanding fiance and the night all went gothic; This is the text I handed in for a gothic literature class, the main focus was on using gothic elements

Cupideros' Writing compendium of flash stories, stories and writing advice.

This is a labour of love, a gathering of initiative, an age of short stories. The earliest ideas date back to 1972, the latest tales are from 2010. Accordingly, this becomes a volume spanning four decades of short stories: original ideas or reworked ones inspired by his parents’ tales. All in all, there are eleven genres in this anthology: drama, science fiction, relationship assessment, erotic, romantic, adventure, horror, historical reality, historical fantasy, detective and children’s