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Muriel Beagle was an awful piano teacher. An abomination! Thirty minutes - that's all she allotted per lesson, and most days she started late or was interrupted by one of her bratty kids bursting in unannounced. Lost time was never recouped on the back end of the lesson, and once, the music teacher even took a cell phone call and it wasn't an emergency. So unprofessional!

I have three words for you. Vincent. James. Tomoser. He's all I truly think about. And if it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't be who I am today. He makes me smile and laugh even though he doesn't see it. We used to be the best of friends and I wish we still were, but what he doesn't know cant hurt him.

Sudden death of a close relative is a matter of sentiment and difficult to bear. .

She said yes! I could just imagine what the rest of our lives will bring!.

Smoke and darkness Flames licking my body Pain One scream One word One life Gone forever One family torn apart By one child Changing everything One sacrifice One prophecy One death Gone forever

A grieving restaurant worker who recently lost his girlfriend in a neighborhood gang rivalry in Chicago saved an innocent young woman who was being sexually assaulted in a dark alley but due to fate, ironically he made a surprisingly discovery.

Rachel has a good life but then the one thing she can't stop her self being attracted to, ruins her life. She is left clueless running from one boy to another but she can't make her mind up.

After a girls night out it all goes wrong for Mandy one hundred yards from home