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is bout a young vampire girl name Luna Vo who just move in and attennds at her new high school of Avalon High and meets new friends currently they're humans she also finds romance with a quater-bakc football star player Justin Bieber he's human too,and soon he discover she is different both find a dangerous path after running away from evil,Luna's parents are vampires as well they try to protect their daughter from an evil coven name Serious.

Eliot and Renae's relationship is off to a fantastic start. They are young. Happy. Then a single revelation produces frightening consequences, and they both realize just how little they know about each other.

It is a story about a young girl who learns that growing up does not mean giving up on the power to believe in magical things.

She left. He feels nothing but hoplessness. His heart his shattered. He vists her at her grave and takes his own life so he can be with here.

For years John had suffered at the hands of Pearl and her tongue

This is my entry in the "Beat the Clock" contest. A brother and sister find themselves hiding in a closet from whatever kind of creature has invaded their home.

This is just about random stuff I guess...Just trying to make this discription take up space..........................................................................

Have you seen a person with a split personality? Going from a sweet angel to a devil in the matter of seconds?. Well this started off with her crush Takumi. He hurted her so her cousin decides to show off her wild side to the public. How will Takumi and the whole school react to her 'Wild side'