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This book is about Love, Family, Choices, and what it's like being Death.

This was going to be my entry in the One-Sided Phone Conversation, but alas they only wanted dialogue. This mother is clearly too self-involved and her kids are little hellions.

Jeff overcomes fear and prejudice as he travels on a working holiday.

Herman is a rich kid who has just started at a new school. His difficulty with English gets him into trouble but results in a humorous outcome.

Jangili, a young hunter whose skills with the bow and arrow are unparalleled in her tribe meets a fierce bear in the woods. Her sights set on becoming the future chief of the tribe, she is determined to overcome the powerful hunter and prove her fortitude. Seeking the assistance of her fellow tribesmen, she learns that true fortitude lay not in making the ultimate hunt but showing compassion to those who need it most.

Learn about Pearl Harbour and Leningrad in this book.I added both of my hobbies together in this book, as you can see that I am talking about travelling around during a World War.

This is a short romance story about two high school love birds who reunite. I entered this in a writing competition this year, 2015. Fingers crossed that it wins!!!

This story is about a boy who finds a sick pigeon on his way home from school.He caputres the bird and nurses it back to health. Once the bird is better he helps it to return home.