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Son wanted his dad to complete home work before he wakes up. Dad didn’t agree.

Battling leukemia, young Eli Cabral-Macedo makes her own personal "bucket" list. What will be left for her to conquer if she completes the final hurdle – climbing Mt. Corcovado? "2nd runner up for Bookrix Young Writer of The Year Award 2012"

What survives the test? At the edge of oblivion, what remains? A man discovers that limits are no barrier to love and the beginning of something new.

Something big is going to happen at school to day and Lux is in the middle of it. So is her friend Skylar a.k.a Pixie. Can they make it out in one piece or is Lux destined to come out on the short end of the stick?

Characters: Danny played by Chris Jason played by Jason Ryan played by Sierra

Author's note: This is for a challenge on Booksie. Kitara's writing challenge. ---------------------------- Dalton was a lord, lord of the crows that is. But he’s also a shape-shifter. He needs an heir, and he knows just who he is but the trouble is Zorak and Damian, two villianous guys who want Stone for they know what Stone could do.

Vance gets in over his head in the underground drug culture that thrives in the night. Now he must battle temptation and his own personal morals to get out uncorrupted, and moreover, alive.

Esta es una breve historia corta donde la protagonista nos ensena lo que aprendio de su abuelo y lo que este aun le ensena a pesar de ya no estar en su vida desde hace mucho tiempo, el poder de querer hacer algo realidad

2 sisters make the life of their brother's wife miserable

There are many people who you chose not to see...