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Love is a mistress that has been toying with time, and time is a son-of-a-bitch who screws with every one. This is a short story about a love that is, to me, original, but still that classic kind of love we all know about.

This is a real story about my pups bad start in life

This short fiction book is meant to be real to the readers. The character speaks as if they were here right now. Read this book, to look at the world a different way.

short story аbout: pain, suffering, heart ache, dissapointment, a longing for love and finally the sad tragic ending of an innocent life. cause of death... suicide

A flash of lights, the squeeling of metal and the shattering of glass and now I was dead. Things change draatically for Elena, she moves away, she suffers and she changes.

Never know whats around the next corner, who is knocking on your door. Friend or foe? Life is scary, but you have to face reality sooner or later. Look behind you, i think hidden eyes are watching... (Please comment and heart!)

Midnight Knock I opened the door at midnight after several knocks; I saw nothing but a dog. .

This is the first of the short stories in a series I want to write about a young ghost hunter called Alex Grimm. I hope to add more of his adventures soon!

Emily Blevins awoke in a cold, shallow grave, with no memory of what had happened to her. She then became determined to find out who her secret enemy was.