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The Painting by Jeffrey Allen White As Camille, sat in the park with Francine, she thought about what had happened yesterday. She had been at the same park with her charge, Francine, daughter of Louis and Estelle Garielle, the couple she worked for as a nanny.

Yeah, another story thought of at like 3 a.m., but it a bit depressing... i warned you. Christina is a girl who has been judged her whole life, and she is getting tired of it. This is the day that changed everything

Fifty years on Suzanne remembers how her mother hijacked a bus.

One hell of a deer and how God dropped it in my lap

The first in a series of short stories, The Beginning tells of the start of a young and passionate love between two teenagers destined from birth to fall in love.

The young woman looked up directly into Mr. Davidsons face. His lips curved to a smile but it did not reach his cold eyes. [...]

Kazeronnie Mak --- Life is a commitment. We have to take upon the karma of our preexistence and the missions in this life. Only when we benefit the people by paying a bit more, the others will suffer a bit less.