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Helen Garfunkel, an unemployed reference librarian, is having a romantic tryst with a hotdog vendor.

A straight-laced ex-nun must decide what to do with a stolen Sony Trinitron TV. The arrival of a Russian Jew in the apartment complex where she lives resolves the matter of the ’hot’ TV while opening another can of existential worms.

Life with her mundane and disparaging family lead a young girl to fanatise about a night-time encounter with a glamorous stranger. When they meet again at a charity event for the local orphans, the girl is mortified when the beautiful one fails to acknowledge the connection she thought they had made. In her distress she tells the assembled families a few home truths about the so-called "grateful" orphans.

Bad Habit of a Teacher As a result of student’s unique silent protest, the teacher apologized and quit chewing tobacco. .

Story about corruption in very high places -cliched but the story is not.

when you think of the word race whats the first thing that comes to your mind?

I am of thee as thou of me a part Look for me in the mirror of thy heart (The Quest by Sarojini Naidu)

Time passes slowly for me, here in this classroom. I look around and see the smiling and laughing faces of my classmates and I feel my insides warm a little, though I am excluded from them. They never turn to me to ask a question, or to tell a joke or even to just send their exultant smiles in my direction; to them, I don’t exist anymore....

Leaving at the crack of dawn, she left, baby in arms. Where should she turn to and how does she know her baby isn't a monster like the one she left behind. Will christian go out of his way to find her, or will he be contempt with his own child, a monster like him. Illina travels through the forest alone, facing many beast along the way, will she fight through this ...