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Sherry Carson was running a little late. Instead of going to the gym, she opted for a short run this morning. She should have gone to the gym.

Three stories: -Runaway -Silence -A stormy Christmas Party

What happens when the one you want loves you too much to be with you?

Babies are wonderful. Yet, why some women are not blessed? Is it mandatory to prove her fertility or anything more? Celina must be right in her decision not to have a baby from Jason. Do you think so?

For Superman is about........A young woman is living with a rare diesese.She deals with physical struggles and emotional wrecks. She struggles and fights and is told she only has 2 hours to live.She has to get everything off of her chest before her life come crashing down on her.She is Waiting For Superman. This is a short story but i will be writing a real book and the real Waiting (I wont tell.i have a lot of diffrent topics for it but it is such a good title i dont know which one to use and

Something you wouldn't like to find on your doorstep.

These are short stories and poems of my time in the Navy. They are a collection of memories that I treasure. I spent eleven years on two ships and hardly a day goes by that I do not miss it. There is nothing like riding the deck of a war ship -chasing that horizon.

WARNING! FULL OF RANDOM STUFFS! Some tips or whatever that I found on the internet. XD . . Yup, this is finished but I might add some some! :))) I'm going to post some random stuffs, too. Like a rant or whatever craziness that is happening to me.. hehe

Autumn Sunrise: Cassidy and Justin are nearing three years being together, But will something ruin it? will death be in the equation? Read to fnd out