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Ryan Gregory, grieving the loss of his mother, must come to terms with a whole new threat when a strange visitor invades his house on Christmas Eve. But what this visitor wants is not what he expected.

There are five levels of gifted intelligence ranging from bright to profoundly gifted. One in every thirty thousand is 'exceptional', which makes Curtis Stedman, the part-time dishwasher at Nagel’s Bagels, one smart cookie!

Great is the king of the meadow. His father is captured. Can he save his father or not? What happens to Great? Find out in this book!

Famine threatens to destroy the entire village where Mariam and her son live. Just when she feels that they face certain starvation, she meets a stranger who changes everything.

Two strangers meet on a train, and a connection is revealed between them.

A War Story, A Year Of Kara Marie, and Just Friends?