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A drabble is a story that is only a hundred characters(words). It's a bit of a teaser. I could make it either a short story or a novella(short novel) if you guys think it's good.

Short Story from a writing challenge. Natalie runs from a clockwork monster in this snippet of a story. This was just for practice. I haven't decided if I want to write more.

What if the world was dying and there was nothing you could do. Men and women killing each other and wether you survived had no relevance as the human race was doomed. What would Drake do? (entered for flash fiction)

"The Barrio of Beverly Hills (excerpted from THE ORANGE MESSIAH) is a dazzling family saga set in the transformational period of the early 1970’s. The hippies, the Beatles, and Led Zeppelin were in their heyday. Movies like Jesus Christ Superstar and A Clockwork Orange were huge hits. Fifty thousand Americans had been lost in Viet Nam, and a Constitutional Amendment had been passed, banning discrimination against women based on their gender. Against this backdrop, Ramona and Carlos

A story of sacrifice and the cruelty that can exist in love and relationships. Read about the bittersweet heartbreak of Lana when her long time love decided to side with his family over love.

It's the first part of a few short stories I'm writing on the life of Arie Taylor growing up in the streets of Boston.

A short & sweet story about Radhika who remembers about her family trip to a distant village during which she meets a boy who gives her a life-long memory.

A humourous account of a very eventful family Christmas.

If you knew Lisina you'd feel weirded out by her gutsiness and her perky attitude.... But, You'd also respect her ... for the things she discovers along the way! Come, walk along with Lisina as she unravels the mysteries of the happy life of a woman of valour and true beauty

Pernelle is afraid of the real world...until she meets someone who could help her see the good.