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5 strangers on a bus tell stories to pass the time. Each tale outdoing the last for strangeness.

This is all you need to know about gypsy vanner horses!!!

When I was watching a TV live debate, some kids entered making lot of noise.

This book is about a cell that gets lost and tries to find where he came from only to learn about other cells in the process.

A story about a woman who find herself in a train station with a stranger who evidently changes her life in ways that cannot be explained...

With Earth gone, what's a girl to do on Friday night for a little relaxation... and a good meal? . [ 1499 words ]

Anna Coppertree is a lonely girl who lives a tragic life. So when a tornado threatens the lives of the peiople in her school, she has a choice to make. Should she save the ones who have tormented her all her life, or should she just run and hide?

What if someone came to your house uninvited (while you were sleeping)? How would you feel? What would you do?