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Genre Short Story. Page - 198

Welcome to our online library! Here you can explore a vast collection of Short Story books for every taste, all available for you to read online. You can read your favourite book at your convenience. With easy navigation and search options, finding your next favorite book is just a few clicks away. Enjoy the convenience of reading on any device, from anywhere and at any time. Join our community of book lovers today and dive into the world of literature!
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A girl abused and raped by her mothers boyfriend, her mom never listens. And she remembers Every bit of it. How will her future turn out to be? Based on a true story!

When a mythical creature trespasses on another's property there are consequences for all! involved on this journey through a Siberian forest.

When a baby girl dies immediately after she was born her spirit watches after her weeping mother.

Dora’s face exuded an unfinished blankness, as though God had become distracted and wandered away from the wet canvas before completing a meager handful of details.

Children's story. Harrison Hedgehog is worried about crossing the road until he comes up with an clever idea.

My voyage on an ocean freighter with a baby and a 3-year old enroute to South Africa.

Something has messed up the time stream. A man and a dog are ripped from 1960 and dropped into the path of Friend Carlson in 2010--and chaotic hilarity ensues.

-My entry for the Young Writer of the Year contest. A short piece on the first important influence in a persons life; a lonely child admires her reserved neighbour from afar, and remembers him as a teenager.
